Minotaur Invitational
2023 — Buckeye, AZ/US
Duo Radio Broadcasting
Event Description:
High School Only Event
Draw Event Material prepared in draw room All contestants use the same material provided by
the tournament management.
The contestants are allowed a 30-minute period to prepare a news broadcast from the material
provided. This speech must include a minimum of three pieces of news. The speech shall be a
news broadcast with an original commercial of no fewer than 30 seconds and an editorial
commentary about a news item covered in the provided material. The editorial commentary,
which shall be an original extemporaneous editorial reflecting the opinion of the contestants on
a news story used in the presentation shall consume between 1-2 minutes of the total speech and
shall be presented in the last half of the broadcast. Students shall enter the room one team at a
time while other contestants wait outside. Judges shall sit with their backs toward the
contestants. Emphasis should be placed on presentation of the news stories, commercial and editorial
commentary with active & engaging interplay between the partners. Each partner should
present roughly ½ of the news items and commentary. A fun “running dialog" between the
partners is encouraged. Note this is not an interpretation event, but use of humor is allowed and
banter between the partners is expected. Contestants may time themselves but may not have
another (3rd) person assist with timing. Contestants must give the judge the news article that
they use for their commentary after completing their speech. 5 minute time limit.
(Hat tip: Cliff Davis)