KESDA Senior Junior State Tournament

2023 — Georgetown, KY/US

Junior Group Interpretation

Abbreviation GIjr
Entry Fee $7.00
Entry Teams of between 3 and 5 competitors

Event Description:

Group Interpretation

Junior and Senior Division

Group Interpretation is an interpretation, from a manuscript, by 3 to 5 performers, of a scenes or scenes from a published literary work. The scene/s should reflect the intent of the writer’s work and should be a self-contained unit with a beginning, middle, and end.

If multiple scenes are selected, transitions may be needed to unify the cutting.

An original introduction must be included either before the performance or following a short “teaser.” It should state the author and title and provide whatever background information necessary for the audience to follow the action.

This is an interpretation, not an acting event. Each performer must use a binder and character placement is to be offstage. There should be no onstage eye contact or physical contact during the scripted performance. (Such contact is permissible during the introduction, however.)

Unlimited movement is allowed.

The group may use up to five chairs in the performance.

Unpublished works are not eligible for competition.

The performance must be in English, though foreign words and phrases may be included.

The competing student and/or school is responsible for securing permission and/or paying royalties to perform the work.

Schools may only enter three Group Interpretation teams. Registration is $7 per student per team.

The maximum time limit for Group Interpretation is 10 minutes. There is a 30 second grace period. Groups which exceed the time limit must be penalized by a minimum of 1 rank.