KESDA Senior Junior State Tournament

2023 — Georgetown, KY/US


Abbreviation PENT
Format Speech
Entry Fee $7.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


Students entered in Pentathlon competition in the Senior Division must enter five events made up of choices which include one of each of the following groups:

Original Prepared: Original Oratory, Informative Speaking, Student Congress

Limited Prep: Broadcast Announcing, Extemporaneous Speaking, Impromptu

Speaking, Improvisational Pairs

Interpretation: Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Poetry, Prose, Storytelling, Declamation,

Group Interpretation

For those students entered in five - 3 of the 5 must come from the one of each of the categories from the above list. Pentathlon awards do not contribute toward Sweepstakes.

TIEBREAKER: For both Trithon and Pentathlon the tiebreaker shall be broken by the number of events in finals, second by the number of 1st places in finals, third by the number of 2nd places in finals, and so on.

A college scholarship will be awarded to the Pentathlon Champion.