Junior High Tiger Classic

2023 — Conroe, TX/US

World Schools Debate

Abbreviation WS
Format World Schools Debate
Entry Fee $25.00
Entry Teams of between 3 and 5 competitors

Event Description:

NSDA rules will be used. However, the speaking and preparation times will be shortened for middle school students:

First Proposition: 5 minutes

First Opposition: 5 minutes

Second Proposition: 5 minutes

Second Opposition: 5 minutes

Third Proposition: 5 minutes

Third Opposition: 5 minutes

Opposition Reply: 3 minutes

Proposition Reply: 3 minutes

Teams will receive 30 minutes to prepare for impromptu rounds. However, teams do not receive prep time during a world schools debate round.

In world schools debate, students may not use electronic storage or retrieval devices. If a team uses electronic devices during a debate round or during an impromptu preparation period, they will automatically receive a loss for that round. (Please note: A mobile phone in airplane mode can be used for timing only.)

During the preparation time for the impromptu rounds, students can have a dictionary and a one-volume encyclopedia or almanac. They cannot access the internet, text messages, or any previously-prepared materials, including speeches and flows from previous rounds. Additionally, they cannot consult anyone (coaches included) outside their 3-5 person team.

Round 1: Prepared Motion

Round 2: Prepared Motion

Round 3: Impromptu Motion

Semifinals: Impromptu Motion

Final: Impromptu Motion