Clash Valley Ridgeline High School

2022 — Millville, UT/US

Speech Showdown

Abbreviation SSH
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

This is a special event for this tournament, but all events will function the same for judging. You will simply be ranking the students by their speeches. You will be judging a single round. Use the rubric for that specific round.

Each of the rounds are listed below:

Round 1: Informative—a 7-10 minute speech designed to inform you about something. The goal is to get you to think differently about something. They may use props. Speech should be memorized.


Skill (Score between 1-5 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated



1 2 3 4 5

Is the topic timely? Is the thesis clearly established? Does the delivery assist in establishing the importance of the topic?


1 2 3 4 5

Can the audience relate to the topic? Is the delivery personable? Does the speaker establish how others are impacted by the topic? Does the speaker do a good job informing?


1 2 3 4 5

Does the speaker address the topic in a unique, inventive way? Are the supporting examples new and interesting?


1 2 3 4 5

Does the student use voice, movement, and expression effectively? Is the speaker confident? Is there consistent eye contact? Is the volume appropriate? If using a visual-does it add to their speech in an appropriate manner? (NOTE-VISUALS ARE NOT REQUIRED AND IF A CONTESTANT DOES NOT HAVE ONE IT SHOULD IN NO WAY BE A FACTOR IN LOWERING THEIR RANKING)

Round 2:Oratory—a 7-10 minute speech meant to inspire you. Speech should be memorized.


Skill (Score between 1-5 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated



1 2 3 4 5

Is the topic significant? Is the thesis clearly established? Does the delivery assist in establishing the importance of the topic?


1 2 3 4 5

Can the audience relate to the topic? Is the delivery personable? Does the speaker establish how others are impacted by their topic? Is the rhetoric of the speech inclusive?


1 2 3 4 5

Does the speaker address the topic in a unique, inventive way? Are the supporting examples new and interesting?


1 2 3 4 5

Is the student using voice, movement, and expression effectively? Is the speaker confident? Is there consistent eye contact? Is the volume appropriate?

Round 3:Interp—a 7-10 minute performance of a famous scene or story.


Skill (Score between 1-5 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated



1 2 3 4 5

Organization of ideas/plot:

Is the storyline easy to follow and understandable?

Is the central theme/argument to be made in the Interpretation clear and developed throughout the piece?


Does the speaker address a significant topic in a unique, inventive way?


Can the audience relate to the topic? Is the delivery personable? Is the rhetoric of the piece inclusive/appropriate for age level?

IF A POI also consider

Were at least two of the three genres of literature (Poetry/Prose/Drama) used in the program?

Did all of the literature contribute to the theme or argument?

Was there a balance among genres in the performance?


1 2 3 4 5

Is each character well-developed and relatable?

Does a character’s response seem believable given the situation being portrayed?

Did the selection(s) have distinct and engaging characters?

Did the performance match the genre ( did the performer emphasize poetic elements when performing a Poetry selection, Humorous, Dramatic)?

Blocking/ Movement

1 2 3 4 5

Can you tell what the performer is doing in the scene and what character they are playing?

Is the movement motivated by clear objectives/purpose?

IF POI also consider:

Did the performer maintain control of the manuscript/Binder at all times?

Physical Presence/


1 2 3 4 5

Is the presenter comfortable and commanding in the space?

Does the presenter’s use of physicality, facial expression, and gestures enhance the performance?

Does the presenter bring the words to life using effective techniques to convey appropriate emotion?

Vocal Presentation

1 2 3 4 5


Does the performer's voice align with the type of story/theme/genre?

Does the presenter seem engaged in the literature?


Are the words clearly articulated and understood?

Is volume/pace/inflection appropriately used throughout and effective in articulating the emotion of the text?

Round 4:Impromptus—students are given a topic and 7-10 minutes to prepare and give a speech on that topic.


Skill (Score between 1-5 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated



1 2 3 4 5

Does the student have a clear structure to their speech? Are transitions used to move effectively between each part of the speech? Does the development of the speech make sense?


1 2 3 4 5

Does the student directly address the prompt? Does the student develop justifications for their ideas and establish significance to the points?


1 2 3 4 5

Does the student use voice, movement, and expression effectively? Is the speaker confident? Is there consistent eye contact? Is the volume appropriate?