WHS Mustang Middle School Debate Invitational
2022 — Houston, TX/US
Public Forum Debate
Event Description:
Public Forum Debate is made up of a team of two students who prepare both sides of a pre-determined resolution. The debate begins with a coin toss to decide which team will speak pro or con and which team will speak first and second. The winner of the coin toss chooses position and the team losing the coin toss chooses whether to speak first or second. Students will speak from prepared notes and will continually be taking notes and writing speeches throughout the debate. A conversational rate of speaking is expected. Eye contact may be limited and this is acceptable. Students should stand on cross examination and take turns asking and answering questions. Yelling and being rude to the opponent is frowned upon. Anyone observing the debate must be silent and may not take notes or talk to the debaters at anytime during the debate. It is unethical for anyone not debating to write or prepare speeches for those who are debating. Coaches should refrain from helping students by flowing opponents and then preparing speeches for their students. This is a student activity and while coaching is certainly encouraged it should not consist of preparing speeches during the tournament for their students. The speaking format will be:
Team A Speaker 1: 4-minute constructive speech
Team B Speaker 1: 4-minute constructive speech
Crossfire: 3 minutes (between first two speakers)
Team A Speaker 2: 4-minute constructive speech
Team B Speaker 2: 4-minute constructive speech
Crossfire: 3-minute (between second two speakers)
Team A Summary: 2 minutes
Team B Summary: 2 minutes
Grand Crossfire: 3 minutes (between all four speakers)
Team A Final Focus: 2 minutes
Team B Final Focus: 2 minutes
Prep time of 2 minutes per side is allowed at debaters' discretion.
NSDA PF /Jan/Feb Resolved: On balance, Turkey’s membership is beneficial to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.