Appalachian Speech and Debate Championship
2022 — NSDA Campus, WV/US
Extemporaneous Speaking
Event Description:
1. Extemporaneous speaking is an event in which the speaker has a limited amount of time (30minutes) to prepare for the current event topic selected. It is demanding in that a speaker must not only utilize speaking techniques, but also a unique ability to organize and prepare material.
2. Time limit for speaking is seven minutes maximum with a thirty second grace.
3. For each contestant, a school places in the event, the school must submit 12 questions (six domestic topics and six international topics) and the source for each question to the tournament director with the submission of the school’s entry form. Topics should all be formed in questions that can be answered with yes or no answers. Within his or her speech, each contestant must make a choice and answer either yes or no.
4. Topics will be chosen from issues of the major reputable news sources. Topics will come from issues not dated earlier than six months prior to the tournament.
5. Thirty minutes before the round is to begin the contestants who are to speak first in each section will draw three topics, choose one, and return the other two. The other contestants will draw at intervals of seven minutes. The topic chosen must be presented to the judge prior to delivery.
6. Each contestant will have thirty minutes to prepare his or her speech in a preparation room. No talking is permitted in this room.
7. a. Preparation: As soon as a question is chosen, the contestant will prepare a speech without consultation and without references to prepared notes. Students may consult published books, magazines, newspapers and journals or articles, including internet enabled devices either used in the draw or those materials published from internet sources, provided:
• They are originals or copies of whole pages.
• Provided those originals or copies are uncut.
• There is no written material on that original or copy other than citation information.
• Topical index without annotation may be present.
• Files stored either on a computer or electronic device hard drive or cloud storage system. All files in this format must meet the same guidelines as printed sources.
• Active research from the internet during the round that meets the established criteria found in the “Guidelines for Use of Internet Enabled Devices.”
b. No other material will be allowed in the Extemp prep room other than stated above. Extemp speeches, handbooks, briefs and outlines, including those stored on cloud storage systems or published on websites created for that purpose, are prohibited from the Extemp prep room. Students may not use the internet to gain help from coaches, other students, or any person, such that it would prevent the speech from being the original work of the competitor. Students are prohibited from accessing outlines and speeches that have been written prior to their draw time. Underlining or highlighting in Extemp will be allowed if done in only one color on each article or copy.
8. Topics for rounds 1 and 3 will be domestic issues. Topics for rounds 2 and 4 will be international issues. Topics for each elimination round will be determined by a coin toss in the prep room.
9. Contestants in the final round will be given the same question to answer. They will enter the competition room one at a time and may not leave the room once they have spoken until the final round has been completed.
10. Topics will change every round, so no student will be able to draw the same topic twice and no judge will hear the same topic more than once.
11. Accepted materials for preparation are defined as books, newspapers, full pages of newspapers, a photocopy of a full page of a newspaper, copies of information from online internet sources which show the date and source, published annotated bibliographies, magazines, full pages of magazines, and photocopies of full pages of magazines. Highlighting is permissible on the sources, but marginal notes on the sources is prohibited. Indexing or reference of material is permitted; however, no notes or canned speeches can be on file. Computers are permitted in the prep room, (See #7 Above)
12. No speaker shall take more than fifty words of notes on one note card to the platform. More than one note card is not permitted. All notes used when speaking must be turned in to the judge at the conclusion of the speech. All notes collected are to be turned in to the tab room with the complete ballots. More than fifty words on a note card will result in the contestant not being ranked first in the round.
13. Oral citations within the speech are required.
14. Except in a final elimination round, no contestant will be permitted to listen to another unless he or she has already been eliminated from the competition.
15. Time signals may be used at the contestant’s request.