Dr Martin Luther King Jr Open at EL Meyers

2020 — Wilkes-Barre, PA/US

MLK Extemporaneous Commentary

Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Contestants will choose from three topics each round and will deliver commentary from a seated position. The topics will relate to the legacy of Dr. King; current issues or concerns which relate to Dr. King’s work or beliefs; and, the heirs to his mantle. A staggered draw will begin one half hour prior to competition. Time Limit: 7 minutes. Double entry is permitted with any event except any debate event or extemporaneous speaking. All rounds of the event will be held at the E. L. Meyers High School. Visit the team’s website at www.meyersspeechandebate.com to see examples of commentary topics from past tournaments.