Novice Tournament Extravaganza

2019 — Newcastle, ME/US

Public Forum Pro-am

Abbreviation PFV
Format Debate
NSDA PF September-October
Resolved: The European Union should join the Belt and Road Initiative.
Entry Fee $14.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Choose a winner based on who convinced you of their argument better. Leave any preconceived notions or opinions at the door; don’t be a third party debater. Try to answer the following questions:

  • Did one side convince you more than the other to their point of view within the round?
  • Did one side more effectively refute their opponents’ argument(s)?
  • Did one side drop key arguments that you feel should have been addressed? (Students may erroneously claim their opponent dropped an argument. That is where your notes are handy.)