18 Tournaments

in Michigan
Dates Tournament City LO/TZ Type Registration Judge Signups
12/6 - 12/8 Spartan Classic at MSU Online EST O Closed
12/7 Dexter Debate Delight Dexter MI P Closed
12/7 Black Hawks Middle Level IE Invitational Bloomfield Hills MI P Closed
12/14 MIFA Debate State Finals Detroit MI P Due 12/9 5:00 PM EST
12/12 2024 GLD Supersession Utica MI P Due 12/11 10:00 PM EST
12/11 DCFL LD National Qualifier Birmingham MI P Due 12/9 8:00 PM EST
1/20 NSDA: Michigan Congress Online MI P Open 12/20
1/25 Punxatourney Holt MI P Open 12/30 11:55 PM EST
2/1 Leaders and Best Invitational Ann Arbor MI Open 1/1 12:00 PM EST
2/8 Birch Run Invitational Birch Run MI P Due 2/4 9:00 PM EST
2/15 8th Annual Spartanvitational East Lansing MI P Due 2/10 11:59 PM EST
2/22 Grass Lake Speartational Grass Lake MI P Due 2/19 8:00 PM EST
3/1 15th Annual Ninjatational IE Invitational Auburn Hills MI P Open 12/16 7:00 PM EST
4/11 - 4/12 Northwood Invitational CCA Midland MI P No open registration
2/7 - 3/31 Michigan High School Mock Trial Various MI P Due 1/10 7:00 PM EST JP, GenV, CP
3/7 - 3/15 Luck of the Irish Invitational Online EST P Due 3/4 10:00 PM EST
3/7 - 3/15 Luck of the Irish Invitational Online EST P Open 1/6 8:00 AM EST
3/1 - 4/1 MIFA IE Regionals TEST Online NSDA Campus EST P No open registration