Beaverton Invitational

2026 — Beaverton, MI/US

You’re invited to the Beaverton Forensic Invitational!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Beaverton Jr/Sr High School

3090 Crockett Road

Beaverton, MI 48612

We will offer competition for all MIFA Events, including the newer events Duo Commentary and POI. As well as ML Declamation. No Double Entry for students in terms of events. Register at


7:30 AM - 8:15 AM Registration

8:20 AM Judge Meeting

8:30 AM Broadcasting, Extemp, & Duo Commentary meeting/prep

8:30 AM General Meeting

9:00 AM Round 1

10:30 AM Round 2

12:00 PM Round 3

1:30 PM/ASAP Semifinal Round

3:00 PM/ASAP Finals

Tabroom: Main Office Conference Room

Awards will take place after the final round and when all scores are tabbed and prodded.

**We will try our best to stick to this schedule. No promises. ;)


$10 for each individual competitor

$12 per Duo Interpretation and Duo Commentary

$15 per Multiple.


Please make checks payable to Beaverton Schools with Beaverton Forensic Team in the Memo



  • Make sure that all your students and judges are linked to their tabroom accounts.

  • Please ask students to bring devices (phones, laptops, tablets, etc.) so they can check

their tabroom accounts.

  • Judges should bring devices, too. We will be using tabroom to send out the schematic.

They will need them to judge. We will have paper ballots for those who wish to use them.

  • Please train your judges in advance. Go over the rules,,

and other related topics with them. has many resources

available to help.

  • If you have a student who has any content warnings for their selection

or speech, please let us know ahead of time. This may aid us in placing judges appropriately.

Judges: You are committed for the day. If you have a judge that can be there for only a round one or two, you are responsible for finding a judge for other rounds. If a judge misses a round, a $25 per round fee per judge per round will be issued to your school.

Weather and Sickness: In cases of inclement weather, please use your best judgment. This is also the same with sickness. Due to food, trophies, and other commitments, the fees will be due. There will be drop fees. The tournament most likely is still on.

Food: Food will be provided for coaches/judges. Please email Mrs. Smith if there are any concerns, such as allergies. Food will be provided for students. (pizza, nachos, water etc.)

Water Filling Stations: All students, judges, coaches, and spectators are recommended to bring their own water bottle to the event to take advantage of the filling stations located near the gym and cafeteria. bottled water may be provided just in case.

COVID-19: We do not have COVID restrictions in place. If you test

positive for COVID-19 and/or are experiencing flu-like symptoms, please do not

attend. We want to ensure our event is safe.

Masks: No overall mask requirements will be enforced for this tournament. Coaches & judges will be instructed to provide appropriate consideration for any students who have health concerns and do choose to perform masked without any penalty. There will be no judgment for those who wish to wear a mask for any reason.

Deadline: Deadline to enter is Wednesday, February 19th at 7:00PM. At this time, fees will

be frozen. Drop fees are the same as add-on fees above.

Please let me know if I have forgotten anything or if you need more information.

Kate Smith


Judge and Timer ready?!