The Betty Gunn Invitational at Mountain Brook High School

2018 — Mountain Brook, AL/US


LD will use the JAN/FEB topic from NSDA.

Times will follow 6,3,7,3,4,6,3 with 4 minutes prep.

PF will use the FEB topic from NSDA.

Times will follow 4,4,3,4,4,3,2,2,3,2,2 with 2 minutes prep.


We will offer the following NSDA Individual Events, rules and guidelines determined by NSDA, Note that events occur within one of two flights, All individual events will have two rounds of preliminary contests, but each flight of four events for only one of the two days, while all awards ceremonies and finals take place on Saturday:


Flight A events

     Flight A events = INF, HI, DUO, IMP, POI



Flight B IE events

    Flight B events = EXT, OO, PO, PR, DI


Team Entry Limits:

A team may enter 6 debater teams in any one JV/Varsity division of PF and LD and 6 in any Novice division of debate.  Each team may enter 4 IEers per any one event. We will remove teams from the waitlist as space becomes available, or add spaces as we see how the divisions fill.  No debaters may be entered in IE events. In cases where very few register for an event, we will notify coaches of our intents for the pool as soon as possible.


Break Rounds:

We will have strict breaks for those with winning records only; not all winning records will necessarily break, and we will not break losing records, so some events may lose an elimination round due to lack of wins. Our anticipated breaks are at Finals for all IEs, semi-finals for all Novice debate divisions, and quarters-finals for all varsity debate divisions.  To determine who will clear: 1. record 2. total speaker points


All IE events will have two preliminary rounds.  IE events with seven or fewer total competitors during preliminary rounds will have no final round. To determine final round winners, all records will be counted, continuing through finals: 1. total ranks 2. total rates 3. number of 1 ranks 4. number of 2 ranks


Debate Awards:

We will award trophies for all division winners.  We have awards for all elimination round participants. The top 5 Speakers will be awarded of all Debate divisions


Individual Awards:

We will recognize the top three of every IE division and award trophies to all division champions.


Sweepstakes Awards:

We offer a travelling trophy for our top placing sweepstakes team.  


Teams will earn points at the following increments:

Each preliminary round win by a debater – 1 point

Each break to elimination rounds by a debater – 1 point

Each break to finals in Individual events – 4 points

1st place Debate event - 10 points

2nd place Debate event - 5 points

1st place Individual event - 10 points

2nd place Individual Event - 5 points

First place Debate Speaker - 5 points

Second Place Debate Speaker - 3 points