BCFL Metro

2024 — Towson, MD/US
Speech Paradigm List
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Elisabeth Abel Wilde Lake High School None
Ryan Beveridge Loyola Blakefield None
Harshia Bhagat Marriotts Ridge High School
Avishek Bokaria Reservoir High School
Jason Boyer Wilde Lake High School None
Yasmi Chibber Reservoir High School None
John Dean Howard High School None
Teresa Dimka Arundel High School None
Jules Dunham-Howie Catholic High None
Jessie Elisberg Hire None
Diane Esteban Notre Dame Prep. None
Dinesh Ganesan Glenelg High School
Jennifer Grooms Notre Dame Prep. None
Randy Hamilton Dulaney High School None
Marcus Harvey Baltimore City College None
Wanyoike Kang'ethe Glenelg High School None
Lauren Lacanfora Loyola Blakefield None
Marlo Lacson Loyola Blakefield None
Feng Li Marriotts Ridge High School None
Junxin Li Marriotts Ridge High School None
Andrew Lukas Loyola Blakefield None
Jim Luong Notre Dame Prep. None
Ana Maldonado Centennial High School None
PAUL MANDL Wilde Lake High School None
Tom Maronick Jr Wilde Lake High School None
rosa e moya Notre Dame Prep. None
Natalie Petro Catholic High None
Phanishree Ramakrishna Reservoir High School None
Leonard Rhoades Calvert Hall College High School
Jonathan Richmond Western School of Technology and Environmental Science None
Kaitlyn Ro Reservoir High School None
David Ruiz Notre Dame Prep. None
Aimee Sann Notre Dame Prep.
Jillian Seay Catholic High None
Patrick Seay Catholic High None
Curtis Somers Reservoir High School
Puluna Thakkar-Shelat Marriotts Ridge High School None
Nathanael Norbert Valencia Calvert Hall College High School None
Kyle Weaver Loyola Blakefield None
Harrison Weber Loyola Blakefield None
Mary Dedeen Womer Calvert Hall College High School None
Chun-Hsi Wong Reservoir High School None
Xiuli Yang River Hill High School None
Julia You Centennial High School None