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Fri November 8, 2024 at 9:32 AM CST
hi my name is nicholas (u can and should call me nick/ nick ford) i did ld for niceville high school in nwfl my senior year on the circuit & am currently a second-year at columbia studying comparative literature; if you are planning on applying there, feel free to ask me questions about it/ the application (ik college apps are hard lol)
email: -- email chain > speechdrop unless there's like, a lot of people in the room
*for anything EXCEPT docs, pls contact me through my personal email (
note for UKSO/online tournaments: go like 70-80% speed for me; my audio quality is pretty good but has issues sometimes
quick prefs:
*to clarify: these are based on how comfortable i am in evaluating these types of arguments -- i will evaluate anything, but i'm less good at evaluating certain things
k/performance - 1
theory - 1
friv theory/trix - 1/2
LARP - 3
common phil positions (kant/util) - 3
other phil - 4/5
general stuff:
just be clear -- if i can't flow the argument you probably shouldn't go for it
tech>truth, extend arguments and warrants so that i can eval them
misc stuff:
the way I think about safety in debate has changed over the past year. i will intervene if i believe that one or both debaters is making the round unsafe in any way, shape, or form. i believe that there is a difference between an ivi for safety (e.g., 'kant is racist, their endorsement of kant is a reason to vote them down to reject racism') and making a round unsafe (e.g., repeated misgendering, using slurs inappropriately).
i will not evaluate 'tabroom solves' for the latter.
i will evaluate 'tabroom solves' for the former.
if you feel as though a safety violation has occurred and i have not stopped the round, you need to explicitly say to me "can we stop the round, i do not feel safe" or something similar and we will proceed from there.
if you choose to read eval after the 1ac/1nc, i will give you bad speaks if you don't word the argument in a manner such as 'evaluate all arguments except this one after [x speech]' so as to make it possible for me to evaluate it.
easy ways to get higher speaks with me:
bring me an energy drink (the brightline to an energy drink is 80mg+ caffeine; speaks are a sliding scale based on caffeine content but bringing me a bang will give you negative speaks.)
drop ur spotify and i'll adjust your speaks by somewhere between -1 and 1 based on how much i like your music taste
easy ways to get lower speaks with me
wasting my time
being generally unstrategic
sending files as google docs/ pdf
you get 5 strikes to use the correct pronouns for me. every time you get them wrong, i will give you -1 speaks. on the 6th strike I will drop you or do whatever I am allowed to do that is closest.
notes on 30 speaks theory:
I will evaluate 30 speaks theory under 3 conditions:
1) you extend the argument throughout every speech that i evaluate
2) you win the round
3) you do something that warrants me giving you 30 speaks; ie, read a carded fun fact about niceville or destin, being funny, giving me an energy drink
if your opponent reads 30 speaks theory, I will give you 30 speaks under 4 conditions:
1) you extend the argument throughout every speech that i evaluate
2) you win the round
3) you contest your opponent's 30 speaks argument; no, contestation is not "give us both 30s"/"give the winner a 30 and the loser a 29.9"
4) you read a counter-fact about niceville or destin/ something else that warrants giving you 30 speaks
*fun facts MUST be carded and read in a speech for me to evaluate them.
i almost exclusively read kritiks rooted in identity literature, so i'm best at evaluating this debate. non-identity ks are also cool
lbl > overviews w/ a ton of embedded clash; i have become increasingly bored and frankly annoyed by debaters who are incapable of doing lbl work or weighing. just a note.
for the t-fw debate, counterinterps are cool and so are turns. also carded tvas are way more convincing
no theory is friv but there are some norms that are way less intuitive for me. that being said i'll still evaluate them if you're winning the theory debate
weigh between standards within the context of the round and u will prob like the rfd more
tell me why theory uplayers so that i can vote on it
implicate things on the flow and clean things up if they're messy. arguments need to have warrants lol
LARP(policy) and lay:
didn't read much of this, but i'll be fine evaluating it as long as you do the work for me
i never had much fun with lay debate but if thats your jam go for it
be nice to novices & lay debaters at circ tournaments for the first time
i never read phil so i'm significantly less familiar with these arguments. i'm probably okay for kant but tend toward over-explanation when reading less common phil positions like deleuze, heidegger, etc.
note for PF: not a pf judge. good for the kritik. maybe good for theory. great for trix (altho not sure what tricks exist in pf lmao)