VDA In House Tournament
2023 — Online, BC/CA
Canadian National Debate Format Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HidePronouns: (she/her)
Preferred name: Kat
I would like to be on the email chain: cazeaupatricia@gmail.com
Debated at Liberty, and I debated policy for 4 years in high school (shout out to Long Branch High!).
My credentials ig:
- 2021 NDT third team
- 2022 NDT First Round (TOP TEN YERRRR)
- First Liberty invite to the Kentucky Round Robin
- Long Branch High volunteer Policy Coach
- Judged Policy, LD, Parli, PF, and speech events
I'm a black woman with an immigrant background. Do with that what you will.
If you're a K team, I'm a huge fan of K's! I'm familiar with: Cap K, Thoreau, Antiblackness, Afropess, Afrofuturism, Orientalism, Bataille, Nietzsche, Fem, Baudrillard, and I'm sure I'm missing others. Just bc I'm comfortable with these, don't be sure I'll know all of your buzz-words and theory. Explanations are good, detailed explanations are best.
If you win the following, you'll win the debate:
1.) Give me the Link. Just because I consider the truth doesn't mean that you could assert that the Aff is racist, sexist, neoliberal, or whatever without a specific link. If you can prove to me why the foundations of the Aff are suspect and make your impacts worse, you've done your job and the link debate is yours.
2.) Impact weighing. I need clash and impact comparison. Sure, tell me what your impact is and why it matters, but explain why it matters in relation to your opponent's impacts (ie: structural violence is happening now, extinction is far off. Immediacy outweighs).
3.) Alt explanation. I gotta know what it does. In explaining the Alt, you need to explain how it's different from the SQUO, and why a permutation wouldn't immediately resolve your impacts and the links. If you don't need to win the Alt, just gotta explain why not.
4.) Judge Instruction. Give it to be straight, what do you want me to do? What is my role in the discussion/in this competitive space? What are the implications of the ballot?
Do these things, and you're golden. :^)
Do most of the same stuff as above, only difference is that you should have substantive answers to framework. Again, don't just assert that FW is sexist, racist, whatever WITHOUT a reason why. I jive with K-Affs, and I think performances could be powerful. Just make sure everything is done with a purpose.
Your counter-interpretation is the framing for my ballot as well as the model of debate you advocate for. I'll vote on any, esp if the other team drops it.
ROB's are muy importante in a framework debate.
I'm guilty of wildly-long overviews-- but for your sake pls no more than 2 minutes. Pls.
Policy, because I can't abandon my first love:
I love me some tasty DA's and CP's, as long as the internal link chain makes sense.
I'm sympathetic to Condo as an arg if it's 6+ off. Anything below that and you're on your own, my friend.
Impact turns are cool. I'll vote for anything as long as it isn't death/extinction good and structural violence/racism good.
1.) FAIRNESS ISN'T AN IMPACT! It's an internal link to education.
2.) Clash is the most convincing impact to me.
3.) Predictability is sort of a toss-up. If you didn't prepare for Cap or other K's that you knew would come with the topic after the first few tournaments, that's on you. But I will vote for it if you tell me how predictability makes you all better debaters.
Please do not put me in any T or Theory debates. I can't do it.
>Impact calc is MUY IMPORTANTE!!! Weigh between your and your opponent's impacts, please. Explain why you outweigh.
>Ask QUESTIONS in Cross-Fire! This is two-fold: 1. "[explains case]... what do you say to that?" isn't a question, and 2. Being POLITE when asking questions is key. Please don't bully the other team.
>Tell me how to write my ballot, and what you're going to win on in this debate.
>I'm a policy person so I don't see a problem with counterplans in PF. This being said, "This is PF, counterplans aren't allowed!" isn't an argument. Attack it instead.
>In addition, speed isn't a problem for me. But do recognize that if the other team makes it a voter, you have to justify your use of speed in that instance.
>And please, PLEASE, answer as many of the opponent's arguments WHILE extending your case. Chances are they didn't answer everything you said.
>Finally... have funsies. :^)
If you're racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, rude, or discriminatory in any way toward your partner or opponent, I will stop the round and your speaks are getting docked. Behaviors like that make the debate space less hospitable. And, yes, that includes extremely 'punking' the other team.
Rhetoric is a voter. If it frames the debate and it's a big enough deal to potentially ruin your debate experience, I'll vote on it.
What am I looking for in a debate?
I value a solid understanding of the actors, strong framing, and plausible mechanisms. It is always a good call to go for a mechanism that is intuitive and believable over one that is strained, even if the strained mechanism could theoretically produce greater impacts.
I enjoy new perspectives that make me think.
I respond well to speeches that begin by establishing what is most valued in a debate, and the burden for each side. I also respond well to teams that demonstrate working together through having unifying themes throughout multiple speeches.
I have judged and participated in BP styles. New to PF.
No preferences for speed but make sure speeches can be understood, and there are no gaps in reasoning.
Ensure cross fire is done in a polite and respectful manner.
Address the framework and any points that you feel should be emphasized throughout the round.
Email chain: Kalebhornedebate@gmail.com
I was a debater at Liberty University and read policy and K affs. Don’t be rude
CPs: I’m pretty flexible on condo and not super likely to vote on theory. I default to judge kick unless told otherwise.
DAs: Please have complete DAs in the 1NC. Impact calculus should be more than the words probability, time frame, and magnitude.
I read them at the end of my time at Liberty and am familiar with a good bit of K literature. However, for you pomo freaks, please explain your stuff.
On the Aff: it should probably be in the direction of the resolution but I can be persuaded. I find it frustrating when teams lose the performance of the aff by the 2ar. I don't care if there is a plan or not, just clearly explain your advocacy and justify your education.
Framework: please put the generic framework blocks down, I will get bored. Please please please engage with the aff even if you are going for framework: contextualize and explain the TVA, don't just say clash turns the DAs on FWK, etc. I find fairness less and less persuasive as an impact, but can be convinced to vote on it.
On the Neg: Contextualize the links and they should have impacts.
Please make complete arguments and extend them: please have claim, warrant, and impact :)
Speed is fine, make sure both sides are okay with it.
Keep track of your own speech times and prep.
Crossfire questions should be relevant to the arguments you are going to make.
Arguments in the last speeches should be in earlier ones.
Impact calculus is great. Tell me why I should vote on your impacts first.
Please give me a reason to care early in the debate.
If you tell me why to vote for you I probably will.
I don't believe in RVI's in PF, maybe you can impact turn T but I don't think that happens in PF.
I'm not sure that PF is debate.
I like it when debaters provide logical reasons for why their assertions are true.
Do not just rely on cards please.
If you have a critical piece of information that you need me to hear, make sure to speak more slowly during that portion of your speech so that I actually pick it up.
I prefer argument that have concrete impacts and do not rely on speculations and hypotheticals.
Make sure to be comparative.
I have 6+ years experience between debating, judging, and coaching debate. Started out with WSDC, various Australasian formats, and BP, but have picked up policy along the way. This means I understand all the technical debate lingo, but overuse annoys me. Being able to explain yourself clearly shows greater mastery of the material than spouting jargon. Numbers help quantify impacts only insofar as the numbers and link work are clear.
Re. online debate: I cannot score you fairly if I cannot understand you.
Tech issues are completely normal and we all experience lag from time to time. Enunciate when presenting evidence, emphasize critical links, and take a breath where required - especially during cross. If you have a critical piece of information that you need me to hear, make sure to speak more slowly during that portion of your speech so that I actually pick it up.
Off-time roadmaps are cool. Honestly anything goes as long as your speech has some sort of structure. Logic is the easiest way to win me over, as long as it's paired with evidence. I generally don't love theory arguments, but if you run them, make sure to link them clearly to the motion. I would prefer you provide logical/structural reasons for why your arguments are superior instead of simply making assertions.
Open to take questions and give feedback if there's time. Just ask!
My name is YiChuan Li (Bodie). I debated for over 4 years in both CNDC and PF formats. I like speeches that have arguments that are closely linked and supported with evidence. I really like it when debaters signposts at the beginning of their speeches which makes understanding their arguments easier for me as a judge.
I'm an active debater, public speaker and judge (2019–present). I've had a two-time experience coaching college student in public speaking and oratory
He/Him pronouns
Feel free to add me to your email chain and mail me If you ever need a judge for your school's online events: olamilekanoderanti@gmail.com
I view myself as a flow judge (writing down key arguments), but the clarity and strength of your advocacy narrative is crucial.
If you present in an organized, concise, and articulate manner, while also extending compelling arguments, you'll excel.
A distinct and coherent advocacy narrative on the flow is invaluable. Such a narrative aids in shaping your responses and in constructing a comparative world, essential for my understanding, analysis and weighing of the round.
Proper use and cutting of proofs are very crucial to me. While debate may be seen as a game, it takes place in the real world with real consequences. It matters that we properly represent what's happening in the world around us. Please, follow all pertinent tournament rules and guidelines - violations are grounds for a low-point-win or a loss. Rules for NSDA tournaments can be found at https://www.speechanddebate.org/high-school-unified-manual/.
- I can’t follow everything in your speech if you speak at a high pace. Your main goal should be clarity. Articulate your points so your opponent and I comprehend you.
- Everyone should maintain civility and politeness. If situations escalate, it's everyone's duty to calm things down. Avoid shouting. Recognize your privileges and use them to uplift and respect others.
- Please provide trigger warnings when appropriate.
- Endeavor to work with time. It's advisable that you have a separate timer
- Feel free to come with a water bottle. I've seen speakers battle with cough and I believe speakers do better with the least amount of discomfort.
Although every judge has a pre-existing belief, I consider myself open-minded and all you need do to convince me is to be clear with your speech with relatable evidence.
Over time, I've discovered that speakers who struggle to provide evidence especially when questioned by their opponent tend to be less convincing to me and seldom lost the round to their opponents who often reiterate that they failed to provide evidence and that reduced the quality of their argument.
Also, more appealing to me is an engaging speaker especially during crossfire. So, please, engage your opponents as much as possible. Avoid being cold/lukewarm/silent during cross.
Before you conclude I can’t judge a format, KINDLY REACH OUT TO ME as I’ve got a good knowledge of numerous formats and I’m only hoping to judge them pretty soon. I hope to work with you soonest.
Hello, my name is Owolabi Victor Oluwatobi. I am a debater, public speaker and seasoned coach.
Over the years, I have gathered vast experience in different styles of debating, these includes; British Parliamentary (BP), Asian Parliamentary (AP), World Schools Debate Championship (WSDC), Canadian National Debate Format (CNDF), Public Forum (PF), Parliamentary debate and World scholastic championship (WSC).
As a judge, I prioritize when speakers attack only the arguments and not attack fellow speakers, I also take equity issues as important, so I expect speakers to follow it solely.
Also, I appreciate speakers that sends me their documents for LD, PF or other related styles or speakers that speaks at average pace or gives me a heads-up before speaking extremely fast.
I mostly prioritize arguments and logic over style.
In debate, I value speakers who already knows the different types of motions and what is expected of them in terms of burden fulfilment and things to do.
Also effective use of fiats, counter prop and other important techniques.
I also appreciate when summary speeches prove why speakers win, by emphasizing on the arguments, justifications and logical implications, no new arguments should be brought up.
I also encourage speakers to keep track of time because arguments made after the stipulated time won't be acknowledged.
For online tournaments, speakers are encouraged to turn on their cameras except in extreme situations which they should take excuse for.
As much as possible, I always try to be open minded, take all relevant notes, have clear decisions and helpful feedbacks.
Let’s have a great time!
Note: For events other than policy, scroll to the bottom
Email: Please put me on the email chain — jramrocks17@gmail.com
About me:
· 2 years of NDT-CEDA debate at Liberty University (2020 and 2021 seasons)
· 2x NDT participant and 2x CEDA Double-Octa finalist
· 1 year of coaching policy at Liberty
· 4 years of policy and 3 years of extemp at Prosper High School in Texas
· I was a K debater most of my career but switched to policy for my last year of college debate. I've been on both the K and policy sides of the library and want to see you do what you do best
TLDR: You do you. Tab/flex judges don’t exist as we all have our biases, but I’ll try my best to be “Tab”. I have run and seen all types of debate and am fine in any type of round. Please don't change your strategy based off of my paradigm or what you've heard I prefer. I am tech over truth
Argumentative Preferences:
Policy Affs: Do what you want, but I think that teams benefit from extending entire advantages in each speech. I like it when the Aff uses its 1AC to debate each off case and uses its advantages to frame the whole debate on each flow
Counter Plans: I can enjoy a good CP debate. I have no problem with multiple CP’s but will vote off of condo if you’re losing it (more than 3 condo is maybe a little sus, but that's up for debate). I've gone for sus process CPs a lot, and I think I have no Aff or Neg bias on theory. I personally believe that judge kick is a good thing, as it upholds the Aff's burden to prove that it is better than the CP and the status quo, but I will vote based on the flow and how I am instructed
Disadvantages: I think strong policy teams use DA’s to turn case and engage in in-depth impact analysis and framing. The truth level of the DA and quality of your cards is relevant. Be sure to extend your whole link chain in each speech
Impact Turns: I’m cool with them and think that they can be strategic—just don’t double turn yourself. I think the level of truth does matter (ie dedev is better than spark but still questionable), but at the end of the day I will vote on tech and card quality
K: K’s are cool on the Aff and Neg. Don’t assume I understand your literature base—I’m most familiar with literature surrounding capitalism, militarism, international relations, sexuality, and to a lesser extent post modernism, blackness, and colonialism, but you should always explain your arguments in depth. I think that in order to win on a K you usually must resolve the links and impacts either through a material alternative or through framing/education/methodology. I will vote on epistemology framing, but there is some truth to "tie links to the plan" so this needs to be debated out
· I have experience both reading K affs and going for framework/T-USFG, and will try my best to remove any bias
· I want to be convinced that I am voting for the best model of debate. At the end of the round, I will weigh how much each side solves for the other's offense and how each side frames their offense
· I strongly dislike stale framework debates where teams read generic blocks and arguments, and where there is no contextualization to the other team’s arguments. If you win a round just because the other team dropped some of your generic blocks, you gained almost no education out of that round and your speaks won’t be great
· I think that it is better for the Neg when they focus on TVAs/switch sides as opposed to focusing on their impacts alone
· I love it when the Neg uses clash/fairness/any impact to turn the Aff and answer their offense
· I will weigh Aff offense and want to hear it contextualized to the Neg's explanation of FW; "USFG bad" is probably not enough. I want to hear how the Aff’s counter interp solves the Neg's offense
· I lean towards the belief that fairness is an internal link to education or other impacts, but if you explain and win why fairness is an impact, I am willing to vote on it
Topicality: I'm cool with voting off of any interp that you’re winning, as I view T like I view any other argument and won't refuse to vote Neg just because I think they have a bad/untrue interp, but if it's a close debate you probably need a fair interp to win. The winning side will win that their model of debate is best, although proving in round abuse (like the Aff no-linking core DA's) will greatly help the Neg. Have a clear interp, violation, and standards that you extend in every speech
Competing Interpretations vs. Reasonability: I default to Competing Interpretations because nowhere else in debate is “we kinda don’t link to this argument” a good answer. Debate is about competing methods and worlds, and I believe that Affs use the reasonability argument to win ballots from judges who don't like T debates. I’ll vote on reasonability if you’re winning tho for sure
Theory: I think that theory can be good in certain instances, but it can also be unnecessary. Just have a clear interp and violation with voters and don’t go for a ridiculous shell that was obviously meant as a time suck unless it’s dropped or very under-covered. If you go for condo against a team with one conditional advocacy or something ridiculous like that, I will vote for you if you're winning, but you won't be happy with your speaks
Random things:
· Speak as fast as you want, just slow down on tags and make sure I can tell when you're reading a tag vs evidence text. Whatever speed you are at be clear as long as you are able :)
·Emailing probably isn't prep but if you are talking to your partner, typing excessively, writing on your flows, or taking over a minute or two I will count prep
· Please feel free to time yourselves. I can time as well in case you need it for speeches/prep, but please ask
· Open CX is fine unless tournament rules say otherwise
· Please don’t be rude or mean, and don’t discriminate against others or read arguments that discriminate against others
· I refuse to judge any "death good" arguments, mostly because the burden shouldn't be on the other team to ask me to end the round
Scale Thing I see judges do:
Condo good----X--------------------Condo Bad
Death good is valid------------------------X No!
Ks of fiat-------------------X-----Fiat always good
Process CPs good-------X-----------------Salty 2A
Non-resolutional procedurals are bad----X--------------------Veganism/Christianity type procedurals
Perms are legitimate X------------------------The 2NR I gave in my first novice round
The above is set in stone--------------------X----I will flow the debate and vote on tech
· Speaker points are low key an arbitrary vibe check, but I try to give speaks based off of your speeches, overall strategy, and cross ex
· A 28 to 28.5 is average, and it’ll and go up/down based on your performance throughout the round
· I will adjust how I give speaks based on the tournament. I’ll probably give you higher speaks for your performance at a local than if the exact same round took place at a bid tournament
Other Events:
PF Paradigm: I did policy debate in high school and college, which has definitely shaped how I view debate. That being said, I have judged a lot of PF debates the past few years. I am familiar with the norms of PF and will judge accordingly. I will vote for the team that best accesses an impact under the framing I am told to vote for. If your “impact” is economic decline and nothing more, why should I care? Be sure to tell me what will result from voting for your side (stopping structural violence, preventing war, saving how many lives, etc.) I will default to consequentialist framing unless given something else. You need to extend an argument in the summary in order to extend it in the final focus. Unless it is against the norms/rules of the tournament, speak as fast as you want as long as you are clear!
I think that debates are better when more evidence is sent out. Obviously it is up to the debaters, but clash is better when both sides have access to as much evidence as possible. When you send out a card please make sure it is cut, and please do not send a link to an article and ask the judges/other team to "control F" to find your quote. Also, if you mention/extend a card in the summary/final focus, please make sure it is sent out.
If an advocacy like a K with an alternative is read in PF, I will not automatically reject it. However, I am open to "framework" type arguments that tell me to vote down the team for reading an advocacy in PF. If you think it is unfair for advocacies to be in PF, tell me how it harms you as a debater to have to debate it (say you are unprepared which harms the quality of debates, education, etc). I will treat this like any other argument, meaning that the pros and cons of allowing advocacies in PF should be debated and weighed.
Note: A lot of teams in PF have been taking time after the start time of the round to pre-flow or prep. Please don't do this when I am judging—prep ends at start time
LD: LD is cool! I have some minor experience. I’ll probably judge it like a short policy round. Anything from framework debate to K debate to stock debate is cool and I’ve ran all of that in LD. I’ve heard that alts aren’t that important in LD K debates, but I value them so please explain it. I’ll probably vote based on which side better accesses the winning framework in the round. I hear that LD likes RVIs for some reason, so I'll vote on those if I'm told why
Congress: I did congress a few times in HS and was first alt to Nats my senior year. I want good content but will also value your speaking skills
Speech: I competed in extemp in high school and broke at NSDA in FX, and I enjoy good speeches. I will weigh the content of your speech vs your performance/tone differently based on the specific event