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Thu December 7, 2023 at 5:46 AM CST
CX Policy Debate:
Overall, if you run something... know how to run it and run it well. Give me the who, what, when, where, how?!
AFF: Prove. Convince me that your plan is important and valuable in the debate and why I should prefer it over the negative.
NEG: Clash. Why is the aff bad? Why don't they solve? Why are their impacts unimportant, vague, not as good as yours, etc...
DAs: Impact Impact Impact!!!
K/CPs: Why is the alt (cp) better than the aff's plan? Why can't they perm? Impact if K/CP is ignored? (vice versa for aff)
Ts: Be reasonable. Use a T that actually applies to the case --- don't use an obviously generic T against aff. (I will vote aff on reasonability). Running more than 2 or 3 typically contradicts so tread carefully.
I will only vote on the evidence presented in the round. Assume that I know nothing of the topic or issues pertaining to the topic. If you use analytics, understand that they are not facts --- they should just reinforce your arguments and evidence. Running something in the 2NC (or later) will result in whatever that thing is being flowed to the aff --- that is abuse.
I'm not a clock, so please keep your own time. :)
If the questioning period gets too heated --- speaker points will be lowered.
If you are spreading --- be articulate. I will start ignoring gibberish --- this will impact your speaker points HEAVILY.
If you want good speaker points --- be confident, precise, articulate, and have good volume.
Have fun... yay debate!