2024 Bluebonnet World Schools Debate International Tournament
Novice WS Judges Paradigm List
All Paradigms:
Last changed on
Tue July 16, 2024 at 2:00 PM CST
I'll try to make this short and as understandable as possible. These will also be in order of importance in my judging:
Do NOT say anything problematic: racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, or anything of the sort will not be tolerated, and I will down you, don’t do it!
I'm going to ask you to tell me "why?" This is the main question I have for the round. There are three ways that I want you to answer this question:
First, “why does it matter?” Tell me what impact it has on the current debate. If you are making an argument, and you can't answer why it matters in the debate then you shouldn't be making that argument.
Second, “why do I care?” The point of this question is for you to think of the arguments' impact on the world, what are the impacts on everyday people, if you can’t tell me what the impacts are, I can't vote on the argument.
Third, and finally, “why is it true?” This is pretty inherent in its nature, but to clarify, you need to tell me why your argument is true, pretend nothing is inherent because I believe that nothing is. You must give me extreme link work for me to buy an argument and if you can’t do that I won’t vote on it.
For the love of Jesus H. Christ, please signpost, if I don’t know where you are in the speech it makes it REALLY hard for me to understand your argument, be concise, tell me where you are, and speak pretty (pretty please) Thank you!
- A debater once said to me "if someone in the round says the sky is green and you don't refute it, for the rest of the round the sky is green" and I think this is generally true.
I believe a good reply speech is what truly solidifies your win, you need to give me the reasons that you are winning, AND the reasons they are losing. “You can prove all you want why their world is bad but if your world cannot or has not been proven better I can’t vote for you” this is what I need in the 4, tell me why you win OVER the other team.
I need some solid FW at the top of your case in the one (especially when the motion asks for it). I need to know from the very start of your speeches what your world looks like, if I don't know then I usually will not know what you are talking about, and it often makes it harder to come to terms with a vote for you.
- Lastly on what I flow, I don't flow points so you must reference them or bring up similar argumentation for me to weigh any of it. Basically, you care make the best, most perfect, point in the whole wide world but if it doesn't get brought up in a speech it didn't happen. I also don't heavily flow the 4, I really love listening to them so I'm going to focus my ears rather than my hands.
For Speaks:
What I really really really really like is a good intro, and good one liner, (while I will try to keep a straight face) I will be laughing if its funny. Make it interesting for me to listen to you! Also, move the round forward with your speech, if you just repeated everything everyone else said and didn't add anything then you won't get high speaks.
Meredith Honor Daniel
Grand Oaks High School
Wilhem Peter Reichmeider
Grand Oaks High School
Last changed on
Mon June 24, 2024 at 3:37 PM CST
- Don't commit any of the "ism's" or "ist's" in your round otherwise you will be docked
- Be respectful (you're representing your school so do it properly)
- Make sure to sign-post
- Be organized and concise so if you're speaking too fast I will stop typing until you slow down
- Work as a team!
- Have fun!
- If I’m judging you it’s most likely WSD, since all of my background is in WSD I expect the round to run like a worlds round. This simply means that I want a STORY, put me in YOUR WORLD. Too frequently, I judge a lot of event hoppers (especially ones from LD and PF) that come to worlds and bring their forms with them, this simply shouldn’t be. I’m not here to judge a round that isn’t specifically the one your in, so act like it. Give me your best story and put me in your world.
- Be clear when talking
- If you need to take a pause do so
- Try your best not to make up lines because I can tell and it will effect your score
- Have fun!
Caeley Grace Roper
Grand Oaks High School
Cameron Alexander Rose
Grand Oaks High School
Lakshmi Sirangi
Grand Oaks High School