FGCCFL All Events 4
Debate (LD/PF/CX) Paradigm List
All Paradigms:
Sunil Abraham
Tampa Jesuit High School
Balaji Aglave
Strawberry Crest High School
Debate Judge :
For the debate, I prefer well supported arguments with valid references. The policy or topic should demonstrate real world challenges and provide the details showing advantages or disadvantages.
Following parameters are highly important
- Confidence
- Good presentation skill
- Clear communication
- Good voice variations
- Logical reasoning
If more than one members in a team, then I will prefer to have equal contribution of each member. Great coordination between team is highly essential
Speech :
For the speech, following parameters are important
- Clear communication
- Voice clarity
- Introduction that can give better idea of the topic
- Confidence
- Great use of stage space
- Illustration with references is preferable
Ramsey Aziz
St. Petersburg High School
Aaron Baty
Robinson High School
Ursula Baty
Robinson High School
Clara Buie
Wharton High School
Stacey Caporicci
Carrollwood Day School
Last changed on
Sat May 25, 2024 at 7:59 PM EST
School Affiliation: Carrollwood Day School
Judging Event: LD and Public Forum
When judging, I will award points on effectiveness of argument, consistency of logic, use of data, references, and clear communication.
I will take notes as a reference for myself when scoring.
In cross examination, I look for respect and thoughtful counter-arguments and data/references to the opponents arguments and that you demonstrate both listening and an understanding of the opponents argument.
Substance is an important element in the overall evaluation, as is the effectiveness of communication and argument.
Good luck to all, this is a great accomplishment and you should all be proud!
Zhihua Chen
Carrollwood Day School
Oleg Drozhinin
Admiral Farragut Academy
Last changed on
Fri January 12, 2024 at 11:32 AM EST
I expect a respectful and cordial debate from all of the sides and look forward to hearing your presentation. My preferred debate rate of delivery is lower than eight.
Gopikrishna Eriki
Strawberry Crest High School
Last changed on
Tue January 16, 2024 at 5:45 AM EST
Follow the rules of competition
Respect the other side and all team members and their position on topic.
Track your time
Speak Clearly
Siara Espejo
Robinson High School
Quinn Foster
Newsome High School
Last changed on
Sat January 20, 2024 at 2:43 AM EST
Former LD debater with some experience in PF and Congress. Flow judge. I make a point of being as much of a blank slate as I can, but I'm only human. K's, theory, and everything else is fully on the table, but considering how long it's been you shouldn't assume I know Habermas's or Foucault's arguments by heart. Off-time roadmaps are perfectly acceptable.
I haven't been in the debate space for a few years, so my ability to understand spreads is a bit rusty. I'll try my best to keep up with y'all, but... speedrun your construction at your own risk.
I'll try to be in our room early, so feel free to ask me any questions about my paradigm before the round!
Email: quinn.foster@gmail.com
Lissette Gonzalez
Carrollwood Day School
Last changed on
Sat January 20, 2024 at 3:19 AM EST
To all competitors
About me: I have an engineering background with a bachelor's degree from FIU and a master's degree in Engineering Management from FIU. I pay attention to flow and supporting data behind each contention and rebuttals
Please speak clearly. I prefer not to have off the clock road mapping. I am not trained in spreading. If you choose to use this technique and I cannot understand you, I will not be able to judge appropriately. Do your best, maintain good eye contact and be respectful throughout the debate. Most importantly, enjoy the debate
Jim Guarnieri
Newsome High School
Last changed on
Wed February 14, 2024 at 4:27 PM EST
Looking for good argument, not technical wins. I.e. I don’t care about dropped contentions if the dropped contention was weak and other, stronger contentions were addressed well. Intellectual, evidentiary, and logical domination wins over tit-for-tat flow.
Technical losses are stupid. You’ll never see my ballot say “You didn’t frontline, therefore you lose.” Debate is still about persuasion. Don’t get me wrong; frontlining, collapsing, etc., are all good persuasive techniques to be used in debate. But the failure to use them won’t necessarily or automatically lose you the round… it just might affect the persuasive effect of your argument. If you can still persuade that your side wins without using all the specific techniques, even against a team that does use them, you’ll still get my ballot.
Cross should be for either a) establishing a framework (e.g. "Can we agree that [term from the topic] means [definition]?"), b) make a point, or c) set up a point you get to make later. I'm not scoring cross per-se, but if you run a tight cross and either make a good point or use an answer later to good effect, it'll go to speaks. Being a jerk in cross will *also affect speaks.
Yes, I want to be on an evidence thread if you start one. (tampalaw@gmail.com) Yes, you can speak fast but don't policy spread me. Kritiks and mathematical annihilation arguments (e.g. "Even if it's only a 0.001% chance, nuclear war means extinction therefore we outweigh") should be used sparingly and only if *truly warranted and supported.
PS I am perfectly fine with paraphrasing. Heaven help you if it's not fair, of course... but if it is I prefer not to have a ridiculous block quote from some article. Be persuasive... not technical.
LD- know your VC. Understand how, e.g., utilitarianism works or what social contract means in the context of your argument before hanging your entire argument on it. Do the actual analysis using your VC. Also do the analysis using the opponent’s VC if you can. Cross is good for discovery, but also for points.
Dorree Gurdak
Academy of the Holy Names
David Harris
Pine View School
Kenneth David Hayes
Admiral Farragut Academy
Last changed on
Fri January 19, 2024 at 2:37 PM EST
Inexperienced lay judge.
Nina Henderson
Suncoast Polytechnical High School
Lauren Hracho
Carrollwood Day School
Muzaffer Husain
Strawberry Crest High School
Sandra Johnson
Academy of the Holy Names
Robert Kent
Palm Harbor University High School
Last changed on
Sat March 9, 2024 at 12:29 PM EST
I am a lay judge/parent judge affiliated with Palm Harbor University High School in Pinellas County, Florida. An attorney by profession, I work as a consultant to providers in the healthcare industry.
I began judging high school debate tournaments in the 2022-2023 school year, so I consider myself relatively new to the process. I did not debate in high school or college, so be careful with the debate jargon and don't assume I'm proficient in it - take the time to explain or, better yet, avoid jargon altogether if possible.
Participants should keep and adhere to time limits. I will be timing as well, and will disregard arguments made after time has expired.
Clarity is crucial to communication, so speak clearly and at a reasonable pace. If I can't understand you or keep up with your pace then you're not communicating. Be respectful of your fellow debaters and avoid talking over each other.
I am looking for a well-rounded performance, my goal is to weigh arguments/style/analytics/evidence equally. I prefer quotations over paraphrasing, and appreciate detailed citations. If you're going to cite a source, you should be able to explain why it is a relevant authority.
Most of all enjoy yourself and have fun!
Angel Krustev
H.B. Plant High School
Mona Makhlouf
Strawberry Crest High School
Stan Maxwell
Academy of the Holy Names
Kelly Morgan
Academy of the Holy Names
Maria Musolino
Robinson High School
Last changed on
Tue October 29, 2024 at 10:57 AM EST
As always, I expect that all competitors conduct themselves with the upmost respect to their opponent, the judges, and themselves. I would prefer if competitors would stand when speaking, whether it be for a speech or performing cross-examinations. Additionally, keeping the tone of your speeches and/or rebuttals more conversational with an appropriate cadence is always conducive to a deeper and more comprehensive debate or speech. Please also speak slowly,, loud and clearly so I can understand you, Competitors are not permitted to ask me questions about the results or my opinion on the round after it has concluded.
Varadharajan Nagharajan
Strawberry Crest High School
Angeline Nolt
Carrollwood Day School
Last changed on
Sat September 21, 2024 at 8:46 AM EST
School Affiliation: Carrollwood Day School
Judging Event Types: Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum
When I am judging, I will be awarding points based on effectiveness of argument, use of references/sources and clear communication. I look for respectful and thoughtful counter-arguments and sources/references to the opponents' arguments to demonstrate that real listening and understanding of the opponents' arguments occurred.
I welcome any roadmap or outlines to provide a clear walkthrough of what will be presented.
I also look for verbal communication - pitch, tone, and pace (no spreading) and non-verbal communication - eye contact, body language, use of space, hand gestures. Additionally, I do not judge technical debate.
Snehal Patel
Pine View School
Ronald Pe Aguirre
Academy of the Holy Names
Joe Pergola
Newsome High School
Last changed on
Sat January 20, 2024 at 8:51 AM EST
I vote off the flow. I don't mind debate jargon, but I may ask you to clarify some terms. Don't spread or talk too fast (200 wpm is the max where I can still catch everything you say). I will ask you to slow down if I'm missing arguments. I may ask you after the round for cards and evidence, so don't run out of the room until I've let you go. Be respectful in cross. I will not tolerate Ad Hominem attacks (attacks against your opponent and not their argument). I do not like theory arguments that are off topic and trying to be "clever" to win on technicalities. I will likely not vote on it, especially if you are abusing it.
LD: I have a background as a philosophy professor. Please make your value and value criterion clear and carry them throughout the round. Don't turn this into a 1 person policy round. I prefer more traditional LD arguments. If you are going to try to tell me that mass extinction is good, for example, it better have some hard evidence and strong logic backing it up.
PF: Make sure your arguments all make logical sense. I probably will not vote on Kritiks or weird theory. I prefer you have evidence to back up your claims but it is not always needed for logical arguments. Please present me with clear impacts and carry them throughout the round.
Feel free to ask me questions after round (if this is a tournament where judges disclose), but know that I have already submitted my ballot so please don't try to convince me why my decision was wrong. If you want to set up an email chain, my email is josephmpergola@gmail.com
Erin Quinn
Robinson High School
While I don't have much experience judging debates, my background as a English teacher and professional writer comes in to play when I'm am judging.
I prefer for speakers to talk a rate that is deliberate rather than rushed. While I value detailed supporting facts, I think the discernment to know which to present is a key skill that is often missed in young debaters. While I wouldn't necessarily mark students down for quick speaking, if spreading is so rampant that I can't understand the points being made, I'm unlikely to give them much merit.
With regards to jargon, I think that if students can give enough context within the rest of their speaking, jargon serves as a valuable shorthand. I like to see that arguments are presented using evidence from credible sources and logical thinking, without obvious logical fallacies.
I expect debaters to be respectful of everyone in the room. Animation and raised voices are expected and acceptable, remarks against their competitors that attack anything other than the arguments are not.
Angela Restrepo
East Lake High School
Last changed on
Sat May 25, 2024 at 3:49 AM EST
I am a lay judge but have experience in law
I judge with an emphasis on you maintaining a speaking speed and pronunciation level which i can fully understand, I care about what you are saying, so please make it clear.
I'm partial to crossfire and will make my decision accordingly
I'm also partial to statistics. For example, if both parties are making the same point but one gives numbers and the other doesn't, I will see that the one with statistics took that point.
Alvaro Saenz
Osceola Fundamental High School
Tamali Saha
Strawberry Crest High School
Erik Sebastian
Pine View School
Mark Segreto
Pine View School
Irene Soltero
Newsome High School
Yashwanth Veeranki
Strawberry Crest High School
Steven Whitaker
Palm Harbor University High School
Janella Winners
Admiral Farragut Academy