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Thu September 19, 2024 at 8:46 AM EST
I am a new-ish coach, moderately experienced LD judge, and former debater (LD Nat Qualifier, Ohio, ‘98). I’m a law professor and a have a Ph.D in finance and an BA in philosophy.
Circuit Debate
I coach and competed on trad circuits and that is most of what I judge now. You will probably get the most coherent decision from me if you keep it relatively traditional. That said, this is your round and your activity and I’m not here to use the ballot to impose my preferences. (Exceptions: I won't put up with tricks or abusing non-circuit debaters.)
I'm open to any arguments when stated clearly and explained, but I will only vote on arguments that you explain well enough that I understand them. It's your job to offer coherent explanations of complex arguments within the round.
Some speed is okay, but full on spreading is probably too fast for me. You can put me on the mail chain, but this is a speech activity not competitive emailing, so do not expect me to spend the whole round in the document.
Use debate jargon at your peril.
Virginia Debate
I flow rounds and vote off the flow when I can. I don't like voting for bad arguments, but I can't vote on arguments that you don't make.
Keep your speeches organized, tell me where you are on the flow, and impact and weigh your arguments. Identify key arguments and give voting issues in NR and AR2.
Don't drop critical points; point out and impact your opponent's dropped points. Affirmative gets some scope to condense the round to key arguments in AR1.
If you feel you won a point in cross-x, make that argument in a speech.
No new arguments in the NR or AR2. Those speeches are for extending arguments already on the flow.
Strong factual claims should be supported with evidence. Evidence that simply asserts value or philosophical claims without argument gets limited weight. Good analysis > bad evidence.
In varsity rounds: Some speed is okay, but keep it under control and make sure you are clear. I will signal with a raised hand if I need you to slow up a bit.
In JV rounds: JV rounds are for learning. A bit faster than conversational pace is okay, but I have low tolerance for speed that might be too much for a new debater.