Last changed on
Thu January 4, 2024 at 6:29 AM MDT
Hello! My paradigm will be broken down into a general overview of how I judge and specifics for each main event is listed below. If you have any questions feel free to ask before the round starts.
I don't typically judge on this point, but remember to respect everyone in the round. This means not insulting people, respecting people's pronouns and prefered names. Generally, don't be rude and disrespectful. If there is a major issue in this regard I will take it to tab and contact the coaches and individuals who need to know. I don't expect this to be an issue, but I do want to set the expectation.
I did debate in high school so I am very familiar with all of the events. I primarily competed in Policy and LD. I'm primarily an impact and flow judge. Show me clear links to the impacts and how they are relevent to the round. Make sure that arguments aren't dropped, and if they are I know why and that it's intentional. I don't mind if people speak quickly, as long as all the judges (if there are multiple) and competitors agree before the round begins. I'm not a huge fan of spreading, mostly because I have often seen it used as a way to overwhelm the other team and win because of dropped arguments instead of debating in any real depth. I think it is important to have multiple different arguments to present, but I do prefer quality over quantity. If you set up a SpeechDrop or email chain please include me in it. Overall, be nice, have fun and try your best!
Policy was the event I did the most in high school, so while I may not be familiar with the topic, I am well aware of the rules. I like impact debates with a solid focus on the flow. However, don't sacrifice comms for flow or impacts. I don't mind Counter Plans or Topicality arguments, but I'm not a huge fan of Kritiks. If you decide to run a K, make sure you understand it very well and have a solid link and alt. I don't usually vote on Ks and I often find them to be more trouble than they're worth. Many times people don't understand what they're saying and missinterpret the authors they're citing. I will know if you don't understand what you're saying, it will affect the quality of the debate, and impact your chances of winning. I like seeing a lot of clash on both sides of the flow. Make the round interesting, show me exactly why the plan is either a great or a terrible idea.
I love the value and criterion debates in LD. I like a lot of clash on both sides of the flow, but don't forget the value and criterion. I am a more traditional person when it comes to LD because I don't like counter plans or counter advocacies and I like seeing the moral side of the debate. Impacts are important, but in LD morality is the primary focus. Please don't try to turn the round into policy or PF. Those events have their places, LD is not one of them. I have yet to see a Kritik in an LD round that needed to be there. Often the arguments in the K could just be run as part of the case, so I'm not a huge fan.
I didn't really do PF in high school, so I am less familiar with the rules and standards. Regardless, I like seeing a solid framework that is upheld in the round and a solid flow. I do like impacts and clear link chains. I do prefer when frameworks are more than Cost Benefit Analysis, but it's not a requirement to win.