Haskell Haymaker Invitational
Policy Paradigm List
All Paradigms:
Savanna Benn
Haskell High School
Henry Bibelheimer
Haskell High School
Catherine Blair
Mannford High School
Isabella Cefalone
Haskell High School
Nick Cerveny
Keys High School
Jacob Hardbarger
Haskell High School
Zachary Haskins
Riverfield Country Day School
Last changed on
Wed January 10, 2024 at 6:26 AM CDT
Pretty much tab, I'll vote for practically anything if you explain it well and it's not racist/sexist/bigoted etc. Because of this, framework occupies an essential role in the round as it defines the debate space. Also, the cleaner you allow my flow to be, generally the easier time I'll have voting for you. Feel free to ask any specific paradigm questions.
Kate Hughes
Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences
Last changed on
Fri March 1, 2024 at 4:35 AM CDT
LD/PF: I flow diligently, but I want you to speak pretty, too. I'm okay with speed, but not spreading. Don't make warrantless claims, please. I'll listen to any idea, no matter how bizarre, if you have cards for it. Be polite and sportsmanlike, above all else.
WSD: I'm most often a PF/LD judge. I want you to use lots of examples to illustrate claims you're making. This format of debate is 50% longer than the 40-ish minute attention span that PF and LD have cultivated in me as a judge, so I want you to speak engagingly. Command the room.
CX: I'm a traditional judge all the way. I do not care at all for jargon. This is a speaking activity; go slow and be clear and I'll flow it. Explain it to me like I'm 5.
Ryan King
Haskell High School
Chris Larcade
Muldrow High School
Last changed on
Thu January 4, 2024 at 3:39 AM CDT
Email : chris.larcade@staff.muldrowps.org
Spreading: Need taglines to be clear. If I can't flow it, I can't use it to vote for you
Argumentation | Rhetoric: I look for debate speaking. I love to see debate falsies being used to disprove arguments.
Topicality: I will vote on it if I feel the NEG proved it to be abusive.
K Arguments- I will vote on "K" if you break it down to an understandable level. The LINK must be clear and offset the impacts of the AFF.
Inherency: If the NEG proves it is already being done, I will vote on it
Things I DON'T like
- Framework: I am not a fan of heavy framework arguments. Your impact should provide the voters for me to make my decision.
- Abuse Arguments: I have heard a lot of these arguments this season. I can determine what is and is not abuse for myself throughout a round. If your entire case is based on abuse, it appears that your case is not solid on its own merit.
- Ignoring your opponent's argument just to extend your own arguments and hope that their argument goes away.
Things I DO like
- Confidence: Don't give me a reason to vote you down. If you show me that you lost an argument with your non-verbals, then you will lose the argument.
- CLASH: I love it! Especially in cross-examination.
- TAGLINES: Once again, if I can't flow it then I will not vote for it.
- Sportsmanship: Don't make personal attacks, be professional and HAVE FUN.
Krystal Moore
Muldrow High School
Katie Ramey
Haskell High School
Zachary Rogers
Keys High School