UCO Joe C Jackson

2022 — Edmond, OK/US
Judges Paradigm List
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Carlos Astacio - ONLINE Hire 4 rounds
Brett Bricker University of Kansas 4 rounds
Kaine Cherry Oklahoma 3 rounds
Grant Colquitt University of Central Oklahoma 6 rounds
Nathan Davis University of Kansas 4 rounds
Clayton Engelby Missouri State University 5 rounds
Patrick Dillon Fox University of Houston 4 rounds
Rob Glass University of Houston 2 rounds
Scott Harris University of Kansas 4 rounds
Dominik Lett - ONLINE Wichita State University 4 rounds
Chris Loghry Emporia State University 1 rounds
Hunter McCullough UTD 5 rounds
squid monteith Hire 3 rounds
Nyx Moore - ONLINE Hire 5 rounds
Eric Morris Missouri State University 2 rounds
Hannah Phelps - ONLINE Kansas State 2 rounds
Phillip Samuels Wichita State University 2 rounds
Dennis Savill Southern Nazarene University 6 rounds
Lindsey Shook Oklahoma 3 rounds
Tommy Snider Oklahoma 6 rounds
James Taylor Kansas State 1 rounds
Alex VanDyke Missouri State University 5 rounds