The Jenks Classic
Speech Paradigm List
All Paradigms:
Caleb Baumgardner
Glenpool High School
Haleigh Blount
Sallisaw High School
Lawson Carpenter
Union Middle School
Gina Cattaneo
Glenpool High School
Last changed on
Sat January 27, 2024 at 8:38 AM CST
LD is Value Debate. Propositions of Value
CX is Policy Debate. Propositions of Policy
Mona Chamberlin
Oologah High School
Melanie Christner
Enid High School
Erin Clark
Bishop Kelley High School
Ryan Craig
Enid High School
Avacyn Davis
Union HS
Last changed on
Thu January 4, 2024 at 8:55 AM EST
Denslow, Keith Edit 0 3… Judging Philosophy
Keith Denslow,
Skiatook High School,
Skiatook, OK
I have taught academic debate for 32 years. I have coached both policy debate and value debate on the high school level plus NDT and CEDA for 2 years on the college level. I have coached regional, district, and state champions.
I give up. I embrace the absurdity which is post-modern debate. If you debate on a critical level, then it is your burden to understand and explain the philosophical position you are advocating and offer a rational alternative to the worldview.
Topicality is an outdated mode of thought with tries to put up fences in our brain about what we can and can not talk about. It harms education and the marketplace of ideas. As a negative, only run Topicality if the argument is 100% accurate not as a test of skill or response.
It is important that anyone arguing counterplans have an understanding of counterplan theory especially how a counterplan relates to presumption. DO NOT automatically permute a counterplan or critique without critically thinking about the impact to the theory of the debate.
Style issues: Civility is important. Open CX is okay. Clarity must accompany speed. Numbering your arguments is better than “next” signposting. Detailed roadmaps are better than “I have 5 off” and prep time doesn’t continue for 2 minutes after you say “stop prep” Flash evidence faster!
Raylee Driver
Oologah High School
Spencer Gardner
Jenks High School
Last changed on
Wed January 10, 2024 at 6:49 AM CST
About me: Hi! I'm Spencer (they/them), I am a Jenks Alumni and am so happy to be back and judge for them! I love debate so much, it is my passion and I am always willing to talk about it! I'm a freshman at the University of Central Oklahoma, I currently debate in the college policy circuit and I love it! I am open to unique arguments, just be nice to everyone in the room, and let me know a preferred name and pronouns if you have them so I can write them in on the ballot.
PF: I was a Public Forum debater at Jenks, so I am familiar with how everything works. I am okay with speed, but if I cannot understand you, I cannot flow, your opponents can't either. I go off of the flow pretty well, please make your contention tags clear! I vote on who I think made the best argument and clash within the round, as I said above, I go off the flow. Remember to take a breath, and be respectful to your opponents!
*If you are not clear, I will let you know by saying "Clear!"
LD: I have a basic idea of LD debate, but not too much more than that. I am a flow judge, if you flow and don't drop arguments you should be good. Again, I am okay with speed, but if you are too fast for me as the judge, or if you are unclear I am unable to flow, and your opponents cannot understand you either. Be respectful, decorum is important to me and have fun! If you run a K, I am not opposed to Kritiks. But I will need an in-depth explanation of the argument, pretend I have no idea about what you are saying.
Monica Hettick
East Central HS CSD
Kenlee Jernegan
Jenks High School
Last changed on
Thu February 29, 2024 at 4:28 AM CST
Updated Last: May 4, 2023
Email: christian.d.jones[at] (yes, I would like to be on the chain)
Experience: Head coach for 11 years.
My General Paradigm
Debates must be fair and winnable for both sides, but debaters may argue what is and is not fair. Debaters may try to convince me which particular instance of debate ought to occur in each round. I will try to have an open mind, but I do have likes and dislikes.
I prefer debaters to ensure clarity before trying to accelerate. I can handle speed, but if I can't understand it, it doesn't get flowed. If I am being honest, I would estimate that I can catch almost every argument at about 85% of top speed for the national circuit. But if you brake for taglines and present them in a unique vocal inflection, top speed is not a problem.
Decision Calculus
I will only intervene if I feel I absolutely have to. I prefer that debaters to help me decide the debate. Comparative arguments will usually accomplish this. Extrapolations in rebuttals are acceptable if they are grounded in arguments already on the flow. Arguments that are extremely offensive or outright false may be rejected on face.
I enjoy and find value in a variety of argumentation styles as long as they do not preclude a debate from taking place. A debate must have clash.
The 1AC presents their argument to a blank slate. If you want to change this, you will need an interpretation and to be clear on the criteria for winning the round. This criteria should offer both sides the possibility of winning the debate.
Topicality (or any other procedural/theory argument)
If you want me to vote on a proposed rule violation, then you need to win the complete argument. You must win that you have the best interpretation, that the other team has violated your interpretation, that your interpretation is good for debate, and that the offense is a voting issue. If you want to argue that the other team is breaking the rules, then you have the burden of proof. Procedural arguments may also urge a lesser punishment, such as, excluding the consideration of an argument.
I do not want to proscribe specifics when it comes to kritiks, but I do want to see clash and comparative argumentation in any debate. I prefer Ks that are germane to the topic or affirmative case in some way. I like kritiks that have a clearly defined alternative. Alternatives that propose something are preferable to 'reject' or 'do nothing' type alts. I am not a fan of ontological arguments, especially nihilistic ones. If you choose to enter the debate space, you have already ceded certain assumptions about reality.
I am open to any type of counterplan, but all arguments are subject to the standard of fairness determined in the debate round. That said, if you are going to read a counterplan, it should probably have a solvency card.
Tiffany Kanny
Muskogee High School
Ryan T. King
Owasso High School
Harley Lenox
McAlester High School
Cassy Lynch
Bishop Kelley High School
Emily McCay
All Saints Speech and Debate Team
Kelly McCracken
Tulsa Washington
Last changed on
Wed January 3, 2024 at 2:27 AM CST
LD: I'm pretty traditional. I like values and criteria and evidence and clash. If you read a K or a bedtime narrative, I will stop flowing the round and take a nap. I have a speed threshold of "don't" and if you could please keep the jargon to a minimum, that would be great. Theory is cool, in theory, but it shouldn't be an entire framework. I like long walks on the beach, and a good tennis match. Also, don't shake my hand at the end of the round.
PF: more arguments than the other team. Go. Fight. Win.
Penny McGill
Muskogee High School
Linda Outhier
Enid High School
Tina Pham
Jenks High School
Jacob Shepherd
Jenks High School
Tiffany Sloan
Tulsa Washington
Tiffany Smith
Bartlesville High School
Ricinda Spatz
Union HS
Last changed on
Wed March 27, 2024 at 4:14 AM CST
I do flow, but only what I hear.
I do time, but that's addressed later in the paradigm.
I am ready before each speech so just debate like I'm not there.
My LD paradigm is super simple. I'm okay with all types of arguments as long you can prove a strong value/criterion link. I'm a traditional LD Judge, I won't knock progressive but I do ask that you are clear in your argumentation. I flow and I expect arguments to not be dropped and extended throughout the round. Besides that, I enjoy a fun round so don't be rude but don't be passive. Again I'm open to whatever just make sure that your arguments are clear, logical, and have a strong Value/Criterion Link. Please don't say your card names, say the argument. I do not flow card names if you say "refer to my john 3:16 card" I will have no clue what you're talking about, but if you say "refer to x argument" I'll be on board. As a traditional judge, I like hearing some philosophy. I am not a philosophy expert but I do know the major points of the more used arguments and I wont count it as part of the RFD unless your opponent calls it out. If they don't then run with it I guess.
PF is very similar, hit me with your creative arguments. I generally vote for winners based on which team can either give me the bigger impacts or who can give me a good amount of strong arguments. IF YOU SPREAD IN PUBLIC FORUM I WILL NOT FLOW. I AM A PF PURIST. DO NOT SPREAD I WILL TRULY LOOK AT YOU AND MAYBE WRITE ONE THING. IF YOU ARE A PFER AND SAY USE A PHILOSOPHY FRAMEWORK I WILL NOT APPRECIATE IT. PF IS FOR THE LAY JUDGE. TREAT ME LIKE A LAY JUDGE.
Also if you are reading this, just an FYI please TIME yourselves so I don't have to interrupt you. Again I'm super laid back so just make sure that arguments are very clear and logical.
CX is not my favorite so I have no real paradigm for it. Just tell me why your arguments are good. I like Ks but I hate nukes(extinction).
As you can tell by this paradigm that I'm somewhat lazy. So if you have any specific questions feel free to ask before the round AND do not be afraid to ask me what you can improve AFTER (LIKE IN THE HALLWAYS) the round or for advice.
If you try to post-round or debate me because of the results of the ballot, I will shut it down immediately but feel free to ask for critiques.
Kenna Stimson
Glenpool High School
Caitlin Sutton
Broken Arrow High School
Sonia Yarbrough
Bishop Kelley High School