The Ed Long Invitational at The Hockaday School
2022 — Dallas, TX/US
Novice LD Debate Paradigm List
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Feel free to email me with any questions! Please include me on any email chains as well.
Hi yall! I am a senior who competes in the Worlds Schools debate with Team Texas and The Hockaday School. I also have experience in Team Policy, Congressional debate, and speech events. I have judged Team Policy debate, Public Forum debate, Congressional debate, Dramatic Interpretation speech, Impromptu speech, and Informative speech.
Debate Paradigm:
Please be kind to your opponent! Tell me why you win, not why the other team loses. Taking the other team at their highest ground and explaining why you win is a sure way to do well in the round. Please be clear and concise (spreading not preferred). In the rebuttal speeches, prioritize arguments that win you the round and weigh them. Try not to drop arguments. Having impacts that explain how you fulfill the burden logically step by step can be more valuable than simply restating your argument. Make sure you are explicit as to why an argument is relevant in the round, even if it seems intuitive. To improve clarity, signpost throughout the round.
Please make sure you treat others at the tournament with respect. Hate speech will not be tolerated.
Other than that, have fun! If you can maintain high energy throughout the round, I am sure you will find that you perform better. I enjoy a personable speaking style, so feel free to crack a joke or two if you want. Good luck!!
I am a freshman at UT Austin, and I competed in WSD all four years of high school at Hockaday. Here are a couple of things that I find important during a round:
1) Please be as polite and respectful as possible to your opponents. Hate speech and immaturity will not be tolerated. With that being said, feel free to make appropriate jokes/remarks during the round, that is what makes it fun to watch!
2) I am a really big fan of principle arguments, and am definitely willing to vote for them over the practical. However, I do think for this to happen, you must very clearly explain to me why the principle is important irregardless of any practical outcome.
3) Please make sure to engage with the comparative and emphasize clash. At the end of the round, I do not want my flow to simply look like two lists of reasons why both teams are winning. I want to see you interact with the other side's arguments and then explain to me why you win. I think it is especially important to engage in highest ground/lowest ground analysis, where you tell me even at YOUR worst, why you are better than THEIR best.
4) Please sign-post throughout the round and PLEASE emphasize what you think are your most important arguments. At the end of the round, I want to know what arguments both sides believe that I should be voting on. I would generally believe that both teams are going to prefer this over letting me decide what to vote on instead.
Please let me know if you have any questions before the round starts! If you want to reach out to me afterwards, my email is :))
hi everyone! my name is Meera and i'm a senior at Hockaday. i am new to LD, as i primarily compete in World Schools, but am looking forward to judging you all at this tournament!
here are a few things I'm looking for:
- organization! it is really important that i'm able to follow you where you are in your speech.
- talking at a normal pace -- i can only note what you are saying in my flow if i can understand what you are saying.
- making your arguments explicit and clear. please don't assume i know the links to each of your arguments, and make sure to impact out your arguments in a realistic manner.
- both teams are going to have arguments that they are going to almost certainly win. the point of the debate, then, is to explain to me why your argument is so important and impactful that it will win you the round. try to explain why your argument is better than your opponents' best argument.
- extend, don't just repeat! there is a difference between extending your point and restating it. extending your point is what will make your path to the ballot clear for me.
- explaining why 1) you are winning and 2) why the other team is losing. both offensive and defensive arguments are important to have, and i cannot vote for you just because you say your opponents are worse.
- staying respectful and polite at all times. i will not tolerate any hate speech or ignorant comments.
- lastly, feel free to make jokes to lighten up the round! that'll make it more fun for me to watch!
Hi! I'm Sarah (she/her) a current senior at Hockaday. I've done PF and LD before, but I debate World Schools now/it's been a while so please bear with me.
In general:
- not a fan of spreading, but if you choose to spread slow down for taglines so I can flow your argument
- no discriminatory/offensive arguments (ie: racism, homophobia, sexism, etc.)
- be courteous to your opponents
- clarity of argument and speech is very important, if I don't understand/hear your argument I will not consider it on the flow
- if both sides agree, I am fine with flex prep
- clearly warrant your arguments, just giving me your contention/substantive isn't enough, tell me why it matters in the context of your framework and the debate
- I'd prefer a roadmap before speeches, signposting during speeches, and weighing at the end of according speeches
- minimize the debate jargon/ treat me like a lay judge
- I'm more a traditional judge so please don't make the round theory based
- give me a framework or metric by which I should evaluate the round, on this note, it's not enough to just give me your framework you need to tell me how you've won your metric and how your opponent hasn't won theirs
- voters are important, bring it together and tell me why you win
- I do flow CX but if you don't extend it in speech I will not vote on it
- I'll vote based on the framework/metric both sides have given me, this is also how I'll weigh arguments in the round
- I won't link arguments for you, so if you drop arguments or don't give me clear links they won't be voted on
- last speeches are as important as the earlier speeches, I need weighing and clear reasons as to why you achieve your burden/metric better than your opponent, last speeches won't win you the round but they'll crystalize my vote
Good luck to everyone!
hi! I am an experienced world schools debater for 4 years, so I am most familiar with that format.
My four major things are: 1. Please speak clearly. 2. Warranting is very important. I'm not going to give much weight to an unwarranted claim. That goes for arguments, frameworks, etc. 3. If it's not on the flow, it can't go on the ballot. Please make sure to extend and impact your arguments. 4. It's not enough to win your argument. It's important to show why you're winning that argument matters in the bigger context of the round.