Last changed on
Sun April 21, 2024 at 10:18 AM EST
I do not mind spreading. If you are an inarticulate spreader, then you will send me your case as well as your
I strongly oppose paraphrasing evidence. If I am your judge I would strongly suggest reading only direct quotations in your speeches.
I greatly appreciate framework debates and debates that really investigate philosophical ideas. I have a fair knowledge base of Rawls, Kant, Locke, Rousseau, Bentham, Mills, and general schools of thought.
I do not mind Ks but excessive T is something I feel very strongly against.
I believe that debate should have the highest form of decorum throughout. I do dock speaker point for lack of decorum and respect to your opponent, judge(s), and the art of debate.
I make final decisions based on my flow-Tabula Rasa.
—LD: I appreciate robust value debates. Don’t collapse. Flow value to your side.
--PF: I dislike excessive time spent on card checking. I will not read cards after the round.
--Congress: I'm looking for analysis that engages the legislation, not just the general concepts. I believe that presentation is very important in how persuasive you are. I will note fluency breaks and distracting gestures. However, I am primarily a flow judge, so I might not be looking at you during your speeches. Being able to clearly articulate and weigh impacts (clash) is paramount. I dislike too much rehash, but I want to see a clear narrative. What is the story of your argument.
Speech: Do not be on your phone while a performer is performing in a round. Decorum counts.
Prepared events should know their times and be, well, prepared from the start.
—Extemp: Citations and organization are really important to me, but so is the entertainment part. Be compelling. Have an interesting AGD. Connect it at the end of your speech.