The Cal Invitational at UC Berkeley

2014 — CA/US
Varsity Public Forum Paradigm List
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Emiliano Adams University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds
Ronak Ahir Leland High School 4 rounds None
Alex Alifimoff Amador Valley High School 3 rounds None
Brianna Allen University of California, Berkeley 3 rounds
Kiran Arimilli Harker School 7 rounds None
Aditi Asthana Saint Francis High School 7 rounds None
Marie Baldwin Centennial High School 6 rounds
Brian Bloss Coppell High School 7 rounds
Erich Brown University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds None
Quinn Buniel Harker School 4 rounds
Dario Camara Christopher Columbus 6 rounds
Chris Casey Cypress Bay High School 5 rounds None
Hana Casey Cypress Bay High School 5 rounds None
Carol Cecil G. Holmes Braddock 3 rounds
Jordan Chan University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds None
John Cherian Bellarmine College Preparatory 6 rounds None
Yvonne Chin San Marino High School 6 rounds None
Steve Clemmons Kinkaid School 3 rounds
Shawn Danino University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds None
Juan De La Cruz Centennial 7 rounds None
Joshua DeSalles University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds None
Michael Dillman Bingham 6 rounds
Aron Egelko University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds
Jamie Ellinger-Macon Glenbrook North 3 rounds
Fred Enea Harker School 7 rounds None
Mike Epley University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds
Hanlin Fang Leland High School 1 rounds None
Savannah Frisk Saint Francis High School 7 rounds None
David Gamson Miramonte 4 rounds None
Brandon Garrett Presentation High School
Jon Lloyd Geronimo Milpitas 3 rounds None
Jay Gill Los Altos High School 3 rounds None
Matt Ginsburg Miramonte 4 rounds None
Jaymee Go University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds
Kangmei Gu Foothill High School 4 rounds None
Rakesh Hansalia Milpitas 4 rounds None
Jahangir Hashmi Palo Alto High School 3 rounds None
Chad Hayden Clovis North High School 7 rounds
Arun Hiremath Mission San Jose 7 rounds None
Alex Ho Rowland Hall 4 rounds None
Lori Horne Mountain View Idaho 7 rounds None
Laura Horton Mars Hill 7 rounds None
Moon Hwang Foothill High School 5 rounds None
Natasha Iyer Saint Francis High School 7 rounds None
Akshay Jagadeesh Harker School 7 rounds None
Neel Jani Harker School 7 rounds None
Sagar Kalbag Leland High School 1 rounds None
Venkat Kalluri Evergreen 7 rounds None
Krista Keogh Cherry Creek High School 7 rounds None
Dovey Khechfe Monta Vista High School 3 rounds None
Kimya Khoshnan San Marino High School 6 rounds None
Jason Kim University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds None
Dan Kupetz Oakwood School - North Hollywood 4 rounds None
Martin Lawrence Harker School 7 rounds
Isaac Lee Milpitas 3 rounds None
Jonas Majewski Monte Vista 3 rounds None
Aaron Manley Milpitas 7 rounds None
Carlos Martinez Monte Vista 3 rounds
Chanise McClure Bingham 6 rounds None
Jasmine McLeod Oxford Academy 3 rounds None
Anaika Miller University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds None
Shivani Mitra Harker School 7 rounds None
Priyanka Mohanty University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds None
Jonathan Morgan St. Thomas HS 7 rounds None
Michelle Morris Presentation High School 7 rounds None
Laxman Murugesh Dougherty Valley HS 5 rounds
JouJou Nguyen Oxford Academy 7 rounds None
Nancy Nguyen Kudos College of Youth Leadership 7 rounds None
Rita Pang Dougherty Valley HS 5 rounds None
Sneha Patel Mission San Jose 5 rounds None
Prakash Pattnaik Granite Bay High School 3 rounds None
Bud Peters Presentation High School 7 rounds None
Alex Polussa Saint Francis High School 7 rounds None
Stephanie Rabiner Harker School 4 rounds
Jay Reddy Harker School 7 rounds None
Kevin Roberts Northland Christian School 7 rounds None
Casey Rosenberg Green Valley High School 7 rounds None
Daniel Rosenstein New Trier High School 7 rounds None
Varun Santhanam College Prep 7 rounds
Nicole Schultz Mountain View Idaho 6 rounds None
Fatima Shah Milpitas 4 rounds None
Sanya Shahrasbi Presentation High School 7 rounds None
Anuj Sharma Harker School 7 rounds None
Pranav Sharma Harker School 7 rounds None
Kerri Simons New Trier High School 7 rounds None
Eric Smith Sierra Canyon School 6 rounds
Skyler Smith Bingham 6 rounds None
Tuhina Srivastava Saint Francis High School 3 rounds None
Susan Stephan Miramonte 3 rounds None
Sandeep Subramanian BASIS Scottsdale 7 rounds None
Caren Thomas Saint Francis High School 7 rounds None
Jeffrey Tram University of California, Berkeley 3 rounds
Cecil Trent Houston Memorial 3 rounds
Kevin Uhlig Cherry Creek High School 7 rounds None
Kurt Wagner University of California, Berkeley 7 rounds
Dave Warner Palo Alto High School 4 rounds None
Tara Wilson Central Valley High School 6 rounds None
Fletcher Woolsey Cherry Creek High School 7 rounds None
Nicholas Wu Leland High School 7 rounds None
Arielle Younger Capital High School 7 rounds None
Yohannes Zacharias Mission San Jose 3 rounds None
Jim Zhang Palo Alto High School 2 rounds None
Lei Zhao Miramonte 3 rounds None