Georgia Northern Mountain District Tournament
2022 — GA/US
Speech Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideI require one essential thing, when delivering your speeches or debate arguments it is important that you show passion while delivering what you have to say. This shows your audience that you care about what you have written and that is important.
-Alex Bennett
Please speak clearly, concisely, and slow enough that I can understand. Supporting your claims with factual evidence is a must. Be prepared on the topic, it is apparent when you are not. Logical argumentative debate is important but will not outweigh preparation and evidence. Passion which will sway my vote to a certain extent (which can earn you high speaker points) and make the debate more lively and engaging.
Attack the other competitor's claims with reason and evidence. Tell me what arguments you have refuted and why you win the argument. If you introduce your philosophy at the beginning and then never talk about it again or explain how it ties into your contentions then it will not be preferred in the round.
I will always weigh on solvency and impacts. You should discuss both of these with me before concluding the debate. If you are running extinction, you must have a realistic and viable link chain or it will not be considered convincing and will not help you win.
I used to compete in Congressional debate, HI, DI, Informative, Extemp, Impromptu, and BQD back in high school for four years. I have been judging PF for 5 years now. keep up with prep time
PF - I side on the traditional side of PF. Don't throw a lot of jargon at me or simply read cards... this isn't Policy Jr., compete in PF for the debate animal it is. Remember debate, especially PF, is meant to persuade - use all the tools in your rhetorical toolbox: Logos, Ethos, and Pathos.
Speed - I like speed but not spreading. Speak as fast as is necessary but keep it intelligible. There aren't a lot of jobs for speed readers after high school (auctioneers and pharmaceutical disclaimer commercials) so make sure you are using speed for a purpose. If you spread I will just stop listening. If the only way I can understand your case is to read it, you have already lost. If I have to read your case then what do I need you in the room for? Email it to me and I can judge the round at home in my jammies - if you are PRESENTING and ARGUING and PERSUADING then I need to understand the words coming out of your mouth!
Know your case, like you actually did the research and wrote the case and researched the arguments from the other side. If you present it, I expect you to know it from every angle - I want you to know the research behind the statistic and the whole article, not just the blurb on the card and please actually connect it to the case.
Debating is a performance in the art of persuasion and your job is to convince me, your judge (not your opponent!!) - use the art of persuasion to win the round: eye contact, vocal variations, appropriate gestures, and know your case well enough that you don't have to read every single word hunched over a computer screen. Keep your logical fallacies for your next round. Rhetoric is an art.
Ethics - Debate is a great game when everyone plays by the rules.
Enjoy yourself. Debate is the best sport in the world - win or lose - learn something from each round, don't gloat, don't disparage other teams, judges, or coaches, and don't try to convince me after the round is over. Leave it in the round and realize you may have just made a friend that you will compete against and talk to for the rest of your life. Don't be so caught up in winning that you forget to have some fun - in the round, between rounds, on the bus, and in practice.
Immediate losers for me - be disparaging to the other team or make racist, homophobic, sexist arguments or comments. Essentially, be kind.
Questions? - if you have a question ask me.
- I don’t judge based on the cross
I am an economist and a policymaker, so I am most swayed by evidence that the arguments or plans proposed will do the greatest good to achieve the aims you propose. I am not tabula rasa. I base my evaluation of your arguments on whether they are factual as well as how well your logic is tied to your conclusions. One thing I have seen from a lot of students is a propensity to make as many arguments as possible to win on weight. In general, I have found that most debates I have judged tend to come down to a few major arguments rather than the sum of the two arguments. Often, if your most important effects really matter, I don't care about minor ones. Still include them because they may help win a close debate but know that a small increase in the price of oil will not beat nuclear war in a head to head comparison.
Most importantly, have fun!
Hey, I'm currently a senior at Peachtree Ridge High School captaining our debate team. I was the state runner-up for LD last year and had few bid rounds for the TOC. I definitely consider myself a progressive judge, but I can judge lay rounds too. I'll be studying economics and applied mathematics at Harvard next fall.
Lincoln Douglas-
Fine with all sorts of argumentation.
I like policy affs vs da/cp. Weighing is important. If you drop an argument, I don't consider it. Just your everyday policy judge.
I'm fine judging theory. Feel free to run anything about anything in front of me. Don't really care about abusive shells all too much -if it's dropped it's dropped.
Not too well versed on K literature except cap and set col. Assume I don't know your lit and explain things well.
Similar boat as K. I can keep up with Kant, SV, extinction, but explain things well and do weighing on all layers if you're running smth like Buddhism.
Public Forum-
Standard PF judge. Make sure to flesh out your arguments well and have fun.
Lincoln-Douglas Debate -
In judging Lincoln-Douglas (LD) Debate, my approach revolves around a few core principles that align with the fundamental objectives and structure of LD Debate. Here’s a detailed paradigm for how I evaluate debates in this format:
Objective of Lincoln-Douglas DebateLincoln-Douglas Debate is designed to engage participants in a philosophical and ethical discourse, focusing on values and principles rather than policy specifics. The objective is to assess the validity of competing value frameworks and the application of these values to the resolution.
Importance of Value Criterion1. **Central Role of Values**: The core of LD Debate lies in the clash of values. Each debater must present a value proposition, which is a fundamental belief or principle that they argue should guide decision-making. The Value Criterion (VC) is the metric by which the value is practically applied to the resolution. It’s crucial that the Value Criterion is clearly defined and logically connected to the Value, offering a clear standard for evaluating the round.
2. **Evaluative Framework**: I prioritize the clarity and relevance of the Value Criterion. It must be directly tied to the Value and effectively demonstrate how the arguments and evidence presented align with or support the Value. A strong Value Criterion will help in weighing the impacts of arguments in relation to the core philosophical issues.
### Evaluative Criteria
1. **Clarity and Coherence**: Arguments should be clear and logically structured. The debaters’ value and value criterion should be well-defined and consistently applied throughout the round.
2. **Relevance**: Arguments should address the resolution and engage with the philosophical implications rather than focusing on policy details or technicalities.
3. **Impact and Application**: Evaluate how well each debater applies their Value Criterion to the resolution. The round should focus on the ethical and philosophical dimensions of the topic rather than practical policy solutions.
### Policy Debate Tactics
I will not tolerate tactics typical of policy debate, such as "spreading" (rapid-fire delivery of arguments) or excessive technical jargon that obfuscates the debate’s core philosophical focus. LD Debate is intended to be accessible and focused on substantive value-based discourse. Arguments should be presented in a clear and accessible manner, allowing for a meaningful evaluation of values and criteria.
In summary, in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, I emphasize the importance of a clear Value Criterion connected to a well-defined Value, with a focus on the ethical and philosophical dimensions of the resolution. Policy debate tactics that detract from this focus, such as spreading, will not be considered effective in this format.
Congressional Debate -
Presiding Officer: Presiding Officers should be an individual who can show mastery levels of understanding of the role of Presiding Officers in the chamber. It's understood this would be a presiding officer who, once elected, can show leadership of the chamber by beginning with a phrase similar to “this chamber will come to order.” I expect the Presiding Officer will use their best effort to recognize speakers around the chamber in a fair and balanced manner. Describe gavel time signals. Explain procedures clearly: i.e., how they will recognize speakers, etc., that the Presiding Officer will not call for motions at any time (speakers should seek their attention when they wish to rise to move something), and that when it is clear that debate has exhausted on a bill/resolution, The Presiding Officer will ask the chamber if they are ready for the question, rather than waiting for the previous question (which should be reserved for forcing end to debate that has become one-sided or repetitive in arguments). The Presiding Officer should have confidence and authority when addressing the chamber. The Presiding Officer should use a calm, controlled and caring voice to show a genuine interest in the chamber’s business at all times.
Speakers: My expectations for speakers are competitors who have their speeches made beforehand on bills that they really have a passion about. Speakers should be ready to speak and ask questions that are going to challenge their opponents to think candidly and without much preparation. I expect speakers to think critically on the bill in question and be able to show expertise on the subject at hand. These topics take some time to truly research. I will be able to distinguish a speaker who has really taken the time on the topic beforehand or a speaker who clearly is looking for "cheap" speaking points. Although this is simply competition to some, this is a great practice and really good insight for folks to understand how our Congress works in the real world. I want them to understand the Difficulties of passing legislation that may be viewed as "one-sided" or not. I expect good back and forth discussion amongst speakers when it comes to various bills that may one day, affect them in real life if we are to see these bills appear in a real State or United States House of Representatives or Senate. These folks are the people of tomorrow. WE need our folks more involved than ever before; so to my speakers; act as if you have genuine care and passion for what you are debating for as if your FUTURE depends on it and is hanging by the rafters.
Hi, my name is John. I use any pronouns, and I debated for 4 years in LD and congress at Cherokee HS, 45 minutes north of Atlanta.
If there's anything in this paradigm that you don't understand or that wasn't covered, let me know before the round in person, by texting me (+1 470 232-4546), or by sending an email ( good luck!
If you send a doc, cc me: I'm going to delete your doc at the end of the round.
I'm gonna keep it real with you, i've gotten a lot dumber since I stopped debating. i've regressed. you need to explain complicated stuff really slowly. treat me like a parent judge if you run advanced phil. i need to understand and hear your argument in order to flow it. my ability to understand speed is... a lot worse now than it was. that being said i'll flow most things as long as they're done well. being racist/homophobic/transphobic/sexist/etc. is penalized with an L. **this includes the sources you use! i will notice if you cite a hate group or hate publication. also flex prep is cool
do lots of weighing and talk at a reasonable speed ????
* Quality of argumentation
* I don't like people getting angry, personal, or condescending during debate
I am a language arts teacher at Dean Rusk Middle and sponsor the Dean Rusk Middle School Speech and Debate Club; I also work with the speech team at Sequoyah High School.
In addition to coaching at the middle school level, I have taught writing at the college, HS, and MS level. I appreciate strong organization and emotion when it is appropriate.
If you would type your topic or title in the chat box before your speech, I would appreciate it.
Have fun and please be respectful! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!
Hello Debaters! My name is Ariel Story-Williams! I have experience in the debate community judging since 2016! I debated PF at Grovetown High School from 2014-2016, judged in Georgia since 2016! I have a BS.ED in Secondary English Education from Kennesaw University co' 2021.
I mostly judge PF:
- Please speak at a pace where I and the opposing team can understand you.
- Do not assume that I know all the lingo of the resolved. (ex: random treaties, random signed government documents) Please explain when something has been abbreviated.
- I do not need an off-time road map. If you need to jot one down on your paper for your organizational purposes, cool, but it has no use to me as I am writing down literally everything you are saying, and do not need the order your speech goes in, unless you are just telling me that you are just explaining that the speech has one purpose (ex Impacts).
- Please. Look. At. Each. Other. During. Cross. Not. Me. It’s. Weird. You’re arguing and questioning each other. It’s not a speech, It's a time to question each other!!
- Please take prep time when reading another opponent's evidence.
- Please do not give me the impact of POVERTY. Debaters usually try to link some huge world problem in the resolve with the impact that poverty is the end all-be-all, and is the worst thing ever. Global poverty is a systemic issue that people cannot help, as it is an effect of systemic racism, capitalism, etc. Poverty is the reality of many inside and outside of the debate community, and you never know what someone is carrying into a round. I have seen this impact so over used and incorrectly used in the past years it has been harmful to me as a judge. This is a complex issue that 14-18 year olds cannot solve, and is usually only given harmful, exacerbated solutions, therefore I no longer want to hear about it.
- I will generally base speaker points on rhetorical skill rather than argumentative technicals.
- Constantly tell me why I should vote for you. In other words, weigh impacts and extend your arguments. Please don't just repeat your contentions for every segment.
- Debate should be a fun, enjoyable and equitable experience for all parties involved. If I hear students making discriminatory comments towards other teams or arguments discriminating others I will report you to the tournament leader and your coach, and have you pulled from the tournament. You are representing your school, your community, and your family when you are at these events. This is bigger than you.
- If I close my eyes or look to the side while you are speaking during your speech, I am trying to focus and listen. I have combined type-ADHD, and I am just trying to SUPER FOCUS on the WORDS YOU ARE SAYING!! PF has so much info, I don't wanna miss a second!! Please do not take offense!
I prefer not to be included on email chains. If I need to see a piece of evidence that is called into question, I will look at it for myself.
- Please, use your manners and let each team finish speaking during the crossfire. Let each other finish the question and talking. It's rude to treat your opposing team like that. Use your southern manners y'all.
- Give me a second while I am entering a round for the first time to set up everything. I be carrying junk around in my bag.
- Please extend arguments and impacts in your summary and Final Focus, I understand it can be tempting to summarize your contentions. The other team and I listened to the whole hour plus of debate too, tell me how your contentions still stand and WHY! Give me impacts of those contentions. WHY THEY MATTER!!
I disclose verbally after every round because I hate typing. :)
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
See you out there! Happy Debating!