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Thu January 4, 2024 at 9:11 AM CST
Policy Debate Wichita East 1993-1997
Policy Debate Wichita State 1997-2000
Head Coach Wichita Heights 2002-2005
Head Coach Andover High School 2005-Present
I have judged many debate rounds over the years and honestly I am open to just about any style. I hesitate to call myself tabula rosa as I lean more towards policy maker, but have voted for K's on many occasions. If you are going to run a K, just make sure that you have a good explanation of how it works in the context of the debate. I do think that topicality is important and will absolutely vote on it if it's won in the debate. I am fine with generic positions, DA, CP, or K.
Speed - I don't see has many fast rounds as I used to, but I am generally fine with rapid delivery as long as you are clear. I would like to be on the email chain or in the evidence drop.
Things to avoid in the debate - One major pet peeve of mine is teams who overly use "cut the card here." I understand doing this a time or two during a speech, but if you are doing this for every card, this is a problem. I believe that this one of the key reasons clipping is such a problem.
If your opponent takes time to tell you their pronouns, I expect you to use them.
Feel free to ask many any specific questions that you have. Good luck!