PanDebatic Open

2020 — ONLINE, US

Event Specific Information

Event-Specific Information

Debate (LD, Public Forum, Policy) - All evidence should be shared through the chat

window. Debaters should create a Google Doc with their evidence cards in it. Debaters can

either create a separate Doc for each piece of evidence, or they can make one giant Doc

with all the evidence they use, and tell the opposing side to, “Go to page 14,” for example. Email chains, screenshots are all other ways to share

evidence. All students should be prepared to make evidence exchange as quick and as painless as possible. Judges will be

instructed to start prep if it takes longer than 1 minute to recall evidence from their devices. 

Duo - This event probably has the most difficult transition to the online medium.

We do not endorse competitors being in the same room, however, we do not

forbid it. We understand that some Duos may consist of competitors who are siblings;

asking such competitors to use different devices would actually create more problems than

it would solve. We leave the decision to perform together in the hands of the competitors,

coaches, and parents.

Extemp - Each student will be given a prompt in a virtual room. They should prep in the virtual room with their camera on and microphone on

unless they are in a noisy room. Thirty minutes after

receiving their prompt, the competitor should go to their competition room to perform

their speech. We fully understand that during their prep, competitors might take

advantage of the opportunity to contact coaches/others to help with their speech. We

hope that teams will encourage integrity for their speakers. This is still against the 

rules, so we are asking that everyone act with honesty.

Impromptu - Speakers will receive their prompts through the chat window of the

virtual room. Judges will be emailed their topics. They should copy

and paste these prompts into the chat window for the competitors. Time should begin

once the prompts have been sent. Students are encouraged to time themselves with a

timer that is visible at a distance.

SPAR - Speakers will receive their prompts through the chat window of the virtual

room. Judges will be emailed the topics. They should copy and paste

these prompts into the chat window for the competitors. Time should begin once the

prompts have been sent. Students are encouraged to time themselves with a timer that is

visible at a distance.