Epidemic Extemporaneous

2020 — Online, US

Tournament Invitation

Given that most tournaments are cancelled and most of us are stuck at home, a digital tournament is a great way to pass the time.  Epidemic Extemporaneous is a virtual tournament that offers USX and IX to bored extempers. High school, middle school, and college students are able to enter. 


Important Dates:

April 18- Last day to submit topics 

April 22- Last day to register 

April 23- Judge training

April 24- Virtual meeting with competitors 

April 25- Tournament


Tournament procedures: Epidemic Extemporaneous is being held virtually by Zoom.  Although they will receive separate topics, USXers and IXers will go against each other in rounds.  Contrary to what the name suggests, there will be no topics about COVID-19. Extemp follows NSDA guidelines, except the internet is allowed, and exceeding the 30 second grace period is penalized by dropping the violator one place. 

Being a virtual tournament, logistics are a little more complicated.  The Friday before the tournament, a virtual meeting will be held at 4:00 PM Pacific Daylight time.  This will give everyone a chance to practice Zoom and figure out procedures. The day of the tournament, competitors will join a tournament-wide Zoom meeting at 7:30 AM Pacific Daylight time, to make sure everyone is awake and potentially work out logistics.

Rounds will be held in Zoom meetings.  At the beginning of the day, an email will be sent out with links to join each Zoom room.  The postings, which will be sent out by Remind, will tell you which room to go to and your speaking position. Draws will also be sent out to individual competitors by Remind half an hour before you are scheduled to speak. 

After prep, click on the link sent in the email that correlates to your room for that round and the judge will let you out of the Zoom waiting room when ready. Speak standing up and make sure your gestures are visible.  Time signals will be provided by judges. Here is a description of them: time signal chart.  Spectating is encouraged, provided you are muted, have video turned off, and the subsequent speakers are okay with it.  

The top 6 will final and receive digital, poorly-made certificates.  Everyone will receive the link to the finals Zoom meeting and awards so they can watch them if they wish.  If there are more than 28 entries, we will break to a semifinal. After the tournament has concluded, electronic ballots and all of the topics will be emailed to competitors.  

Topic Areas:


Round 1: Europe 

Round 2: International Orgs and Issues

Round 3:Middle East and Africa

Round 4: The Americas

Finals: Asia and the Pacific




Round 1: Domestic Politics

Round 2: Science and Technology

Round 3: Social and Culture

Round 4: US Economy

Finals: US Foreign Policy 


Dress Code:

Being an at-home virtual tournament, dress is casual-- unless you really miss wearing your suit.  

Pajamas are a totally acceptable form of attire.


Competitor Sign-up:

Sign-up form 

Remind: text @epiextemp to 810-10


Judge Sign-ups:

Sign-up form 


Remind: text @epijudge to 810-10

If you need community service, we can provide hours for judging that will be signed off by a teacher. 


Topic Submission Form:

If you have any ideas for topics submit them here:

Topic submission form


Contact Epidemic Extemporaneous: 

If you have any questions or concerns, please text the Remind or email annesmith123456789@gmail.com