Tournament of Champions

2020 — Lexington, KY/US

Principal Letter Template

Principal Permission to Compete


Each school must submit a signed letter by the school’s Principal, on official letterhead, indicating that:

·        All the applying students are enrolled at the school,

·        Those students have the school’s permission to compete at the Tournament of Champions representing their school name, and

·        The adults listed are designated as supervising and representing the students for the purposes of the TOC. [You must list at least one adult who will be traveling with the student(s), but you may list additional names for emergency purposes.]


You may submit one letter for your entire squad as long as the letter contains all the applying students’ names and the requisite adult names.


This letter should be signed by the Principal and submitted by mail to UK Debate. (You may also scan and email to


Our mailing address is:


Tournament of Champions

c/o Linda Barker

225 Funkhouser Building

Lexington, KY 40506-0054


Sample Language for the Letter (must contain all of this information, and appear on school letterhead):


The following students are enrolled at ____ (insert high school name) ____ and have permission to compete at the 2020 Tournament of Champions National High School Debate Tournament, in Lexington, KY, representing the school:


<list all students applying>.


The following adult person or persons are designated as the adults supervising and representing the students for the purposes of this competition:


<list at least one adult with cell phone contact information>.




<Insert Principal signature>