KHSSL Senior State Speech Tournament

2020 — SKYNET, KY/US

Fees and Judge Obligations

  Entry fees are $12 for each individual entry, $24 for each duo team entry.  


Judge Obligations:

The judge quota is set at one judge required per six entries or fraction thereof.

Teams may hire up to but not more than half your quota for $130 each if

you are bringing other judges,

but you must provide at least half of your judges required regardless.


It is considered standard operating procedure for the team coach to be one of the judges

you bring as this is state tournament, and we want our best people in the judging pool

to determine the state winners!




All judges at KHSSL State must be high school graduates or older.


Drop Fee schedule (cut and pasted from page 57 of the Handbook):

 School and entry registration must be made by the registration deadline. Changes after that deadline are subject to the following schedule of drop fees and fines:

a. Contestant substitutions before the Final deadline—free

b. Drops before the Final Deadline—entry fee plus $10

c. Drops after the Final Deadline but before on-site registration—entry fees plus $25

d. Drops during on-site registration—entry fees plus $50

          e. Judge drops after registration deadline--$65 per day of obligation dropped plus $100 drop fee. If the judge drop brings the school’s judge coverage below its obligation AND no hired judges are available to cover the slot, the school’s entry may be reduced.


Entries added after the final registration deadline will also pay a $10 nuisance fee in addition to the entry fee.