46th Annual Harvard National Forensics Tournament
2020 — Cambridge, MA/US
Wifi Instructions
- Connect to "Harvard University"
- Go to getonline.harvard.edu and select "I am a Guest"
- On the next page, select "Register for Guest Access"
- Fill out the required information and select the box to agree to the terms of use. Click Login to receive your credentials.
- Your Guest Credentials will now be shown and you can click login to gain network access. Once logged in you will be online and can browse the internet.
Lesley/University Hall
- Connect to "Lesley_Guest"
- Once connected, you will be re-directed to the registration page; otherwise to www.lesley.edu. Click "Click here to continue"
- Enter the following under Guest Event Login on the right-hand side. Username: HDC_WIFI / Password: TE2588bD
Cambridge Public Schools
(CRLS, Longfellow, King/Putnam)
Connect to the wireless network “CPS-Public-Access.” Follow any instructions on your device to access the internet.
Boston Public Schools
(Brighton, Boston Green)
Brighton HS: network: BPSGuest, password: V1$1t0r2019 (note the "0" is a zero). You will have to go through a splash space, so you will need to open a browser in order to connect. Also, please note that the network will be stretched to capacity when students are congregated in the cafeteria during meal times. For the sake of everyone, please do not stream videos, games, or anything else that requires substantial bandwith.
BGA: network: TAFTLAN, Password: 605warren