Cavalier Invitational at Durham Academy
2020 — Durham, NC/US
Congress Information
General Notes
This year, the Cavalier Invitational will use to run the Congress division of the tournament. All competitors and judges should be linked to their Tabroom account, and should be signed up for "Live Updates." Judges will utilize electronic balloting throughout the tournament.
We will clear no more than the top half of preliminary chambers to a Semifinal Round. We estimate that we will advance the top eight of semifinal chambers to the Final Round of 16 competitors.
Each Session (Preliminary, Semifinals and Finals) will be themed. Three pieces of legislation will be available for each session. Only the legislation for that session may be debated. The chamber may order the bills however they choose. No new legislation may be brought to the floor. No authorships exist on the legislation; instead, only sponsorships will be heard on legislation. Debate on each piece of legislation can only last 1 hour in accordance with the NSDA Pilot Rule.
Legislation will be posted prior to December 25th, 2019.
Preliminary chambers will be based on the total number of entrants. Once registration if finalized, we will announce how many out of each prelim chamber will clear to the Semifinal. All Prelim chambers will be evaluated by a total of 6 scorers and 1 Parliamentarian. Preliminary chambers will be released the Saturday AM of the tournament.
There will be two Semifinal chambers. Each chamber will be evaluated by 3 scorers. The Top 8 students (based on cumulative ranks) will clear to the Final.
There will be one Final chamber of 16 students. Finals will be evaluated by 5 scorers.
Every chamber must utilize direct questioning. Parliamentarians will be advised that all motions to suspend the rules will be ruled out of order by the Chair.
Saturday, January 18th, 2020
8:00AM Opening Assembly for Judges (Kenan Auditorium – Upper School)
8:30AM Opening Assembly for Students (Assembly Hall – Upper School)
9:00AM Preliminary Session 1 (Upper School)
1:00PM Preliminary Session 2 (Upper School)
5:00PM Preliminary Session 3 (Upper School)
Sunday, January 19th, 2020
8:00AM Assembly for Semifinalists (Assembly Hall – Upper School)
8:30AM Semifinals Session (Upper School)
1:00PM Assembly for Finalists (Assembly Hall – Upper School)
1:30PM Finals (Upper School)
6:00PM Awards Assembly (Kenan Auditorium – Upper School)