Sartartia Debate Club Workshops Tournament

2019 — Sugar Land, TX/US


Our tournament is allowed and open to all spectators. Any spectator can watch a round, unless they are still in the tournament. Eliminated students are allowed to watch elimination rounds.

Spectators are expected to:

- Be quiet and respectful to the debaters

- Respectful to the judge.

Spectators cannot leave the room during the speech. Spectators may enter quietly during prep time. Spectators CANNOT be loud or cause a nuisance to the debaters or the judge.

According to policies set forth by the National Speech and Debate Association, spectators cannot record or film the debate round. In the elimination rounds, tournament staff are allowed to record the round for educational purposes with permission given from both debaters. The judge has presiding power over the round, and if a spectator is being distracting, may ask the spectator to leave the room.

During the round, spectators may not interact with the debaters via the Internet or talk to the debaters per Texas Forensic Association rules.