San Diego Novice Last Chance

2018 — La Mesa, CA/US


Tab Location: Library

Judges Room: Library

Entry / Drop Deadlines: The entry deadline is Monday, March 26th at 5:00 pm. Drops are permitted until Wednesday, March 28th at 5:00 pm. You will not be refunded for drops after this date.


Entry Fees: The Entry Fee for all events is $6. Duo and Pufo entries are $12 per team.


Judging Requirements: Schools must supply one judge for every 4 debate entries and one judge for every 5 speech entries.


Debate Topics: This tournament will use the March Public Forum topics and the March/April Lincoln Douglas topics (NOT the novice topic).


Break Rounds: In speech events, after 3 prelims, top 7 will break to finals.

In debate events, individuals/teams with 3+ wins after 4 rounds will break to a 5th Round. 1st-7th Place will be determined based on wins and tiebreakers. This tournament will follow CHSSA Tiebreaker Guidelines.


Sweepstakes: Sweepstakes will be awarded to the top 3 overall scoring teams.

1st Place: 7 Points

2nd Place: 6 Points

3rd Place: 5 Points

4th Place: 4 Points

5th-7th Place: 3 Points