OCSL Novice

2017 — Santa Ana, CA/US

Congress Bills

A Resolution to Advance Rehabilitation Programs in Prisons

1. WHEREAS, The enormous U.S. prison population drains $80 billion annually; and

2. WHEREAS, The nation’s current policy of punitive correction has only increased that

3. population and its recidivism rate; and

4. WHEREAS, These funds are not being used to improve lagging American education,

5. healthcare, or infrastructure, nor are the prisoners able to contribute to American society; and

7. WHEREAS, Evidence has indicated that prisoner rehabilitation programs, such as drug

8. rehab and work programs, reduce recidivism, corrections expenses, and crime rates; now,

9. therefore, be it

10. RESOLVED, by this Congress that: the U.S. should increase corrections funding

11. to prisoner rehabilitation in order to create a more effective

12. corrective system.


A Resolution to Strengthen Economic and Diplomatic Relations with Latin America

1. WHEREAS, The fiscal deficit of many Latin American nations is at an all-time high,

2. and anti-American sentiment is increasing in the region; and

3. WHEREAS, Recent NAFTA renegotiations have made United States economic and

4. diplomatic involvement in the region precarious, resulting in greater

5. political extremism throughout Latin American nations; and

6. WHEREAS, By limiting relations with Latin America, the United States is missing

7. lucrative natural resources and trade opportunities; and

8. WHEREAS, Without a strong presence in Latin America, the region is vulnerable to

9. political extremists, illicit drug trafficking, poverty, and an increased

10. Chinese presence, all of which threaten the safety and security of the

11. United States; now, therefore, be it

12. RESOLVED, The United States should strengthen its economic and diplomatic relations with

13. Latin America.


A Resolution to Limit the President’s Use of Executive Orders

1. WHEREAS, the Founding Fathers as well as many modern political scientists agree that the

2. powers of the legislative and executive branches cannot be handled by one

3. person if democracy is to flourish; and

4. WHEREAS, the power of executive orders directly defies the constitutional system of checks

5. and balances; and

6. WHEREAS, executive orders are often a way for the President to circumvent Congress and

7. congressional orders; and

8. WHEREAS, this gives the President an unbalanced power to effect and implement laws as they

9. see fit; now, therefore be it

10. RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that the President should limit their use of

11. executive order to times of national crisis.