San Angelo Central Bobcat Bonanza Swing TFA NIETOC
2024 — San Angelo, TX/US
Cross-Entry Guide
Cross Entries: Each Student can enter in3 events per Pattern. Students inCongress are allowed to Cross Enter in ONE IE on Pattern B (this can include either Extemp). They will enter at their own risk. A Student can only enter one type of Extemp. Students in LD/PF/CX Can NOT Cross Enter on that side of the swing.
CX, LD, PF: May not cross-enter in any IEs on the same side of the swing
Congress: May cross-enter in ONE IE event on Pattern B. CROSS ENTER AT OWN RISK
Extemp: May enter onlyone type of extemp
Individual Events: May cross enter in 3 events per pattern. Unless in Congress, then only One IE Event in Pattern B.
Blue Pattern A- Duet, DI, Prose, IMP, INFO, OO
Blue Pattern B- Duo, HI, Poetry, DX, FX, POI
Orange Pattern A- Duo, DI, Prose, POI, OO, INFO
Orange Pattern B- Duet, HI, Poetry, FX, DX, IMP