Nano Nagle Tournament
2024 — San Jose, CA/US
If you weren't already aware of why we host the Nano Nagle please read our explicit notice below in reference to the funds collected associated with this tournament:
All payments collected, including but not limited to entry fees, hired judge fees, fines and concessions are used to support the hospitable hosting of the Nano Nagle Tournament. As tradition we have extended the spirit of donating to the community and ensure the profits or "net proceeds" of the tournament are donated to an external (non PHS affiliated) non-profit organization. We have historically taken this action and have over the decade plus in which this tournament has existed (in this name and others) donated well over $115,000. This year will continue the tradition of supporting a non profit extending the blessings of speech and debate to other students and donate to the Women's Debate Institute because we understand the value and power of this activity.
Look forward to hosting ya'll this October!