Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational CCA Speech Debate Tournament

2024 — Columbus, IN/US

Parent / Guest Judge Registration

Guest Judge Registration


We can't have a successful tournament without guest judges who bring a listening ear, keen eye, excellent feedback, and the love of Jesus Christ. Thank you for helping to make our tournament a great experience for the students!

Please use the link above to register as a guest judge for this year's tournament on March 15th and 16th. You'll be navigated to an EventBrite page that contains all of the relevant details and will allow you to reserve a spot. Once you're on EventBrite, click the red "get tickets" button on the EventBrite page to get started. Please select tickets for the specific time slots you will be available to judge.

As a community guest judge (CCA alumnus, friend, family member, or any non-parent adult or coach), you will be provided with orientation and training, a hot meal and snacks, the opportunity to provide valuable insights and feedback to the students, and plenty of time to complete your ballots.

If you would prefer a paper registration or a more personal touch, please contact your LOGIC student or parent recruiter, or email logic.guest.judges@gmail.com.

Parent Judge Registration


Thank you parents, for all of the time, energy, and prayer that you put into drawing your children to Christ!

Please use the link above to register as a parent judge for the Ivy Tech tournament on March 15th and 16th. You'll be navigated to an EventBrite page that contains all of the relevant details and will allow you to reserve a spot. Once you're logged on to EventBrite, click the red "get tickets" button on the EventBrite page to get started.

Please select the "PARENTS OF CCA STUDENTS" ticket option. This will let the tournament hosts know that you are a parent judge.

To keep our judge data accurate, each parent will need to register individually on EventBrite.

Thank you!