DEBATE KC Spring City Championship

2024 — Kansas City, MO/US

Cross-Examination Debate Elimination Round Tabroom Coinflip Pro

Teams that have a winning record in preliminary rounds will advance to elimination rounds. Unless the pairing of teams had previously debated each other in preliminary rounds (in which case, both teams are sidelocked to the opposite side in which they debated each other in preliminary rounds), a coinflip will determine which team gets to decide which side, Affirmative or Negative, to be selected.

Tabroom now has an online coinflip management system.

You will need to have an active Tabroom account linked to your Tabroom student/competitor record, or access to your school account as an administrator. 5 minutes after the pairings for each elimination round round is released, the two entries (and their coaches) will receive a blast notification (and an email) of which team was randomly selected as the coin flip winner.

They can log into Tabroom and there will be a link to the flip screen from the "Current Panels" for competitors or the Dashboard for coaches. The link will also be sent in the blast email. There the flip winner will have until the deadline listed to select their side - winners of the coinflip will have two minutes to select their side. If they choose, everyone will be notified in a second blast. If theyIf they do not choose before the deadline is up, then the loser of the coinflip will have two minutes to choose their side.also do not choose, then anyone can choose for the same deadline period, first come first served. If neither team has chosen a side, the computer will randomly select a side.