Walled Lake Western Warrior Tournament
2024 — Walled Lake, MI/US
Tournament Greeting & WiFi password
Welcome to the Warrior Tournament. Thank you for coming!
We will have three preliminary rounds and two elimination rounds. We’re giving trophies to the top six contestants in each event. Good luck and have fun!
We have a few Walled Lake Western school rules that we’d like you to follow:
No food or beverages (other than water) in the classrooms. Please eat only in the cafeteria. If you leave the tournament for food and fail to return on time, it may result in forfeit.
The teachers here are a little worried about having so many outsiders in the building; please make my job easier by not touching anything on teachers’ desks.
Judges, please make an effort to write educational critiques for the performers in all of your rounds.
- Judges may use utilize online ballots and critiques through Tabroom using a computer or Chromebook OR traditional paper ballots and critiques.
Judges be sure to turn in ballots and critiques after each round.
Results will be posted online through Tabroom.com.
The tab room is D118 and is clearly marked TAB on your map.
Pick up copies of Extemp, Broadcast, Duo Commentary, and Impromptu in the media center.
Limited prep competitors must stay in the room after performing 3rd prelim, semis, and final rounds.
- It is recommended that students bring their own device to access the internet. However, a limited number of desktop computers will be available in B103 (connected to the media center).
Wi-Fi Login:
Guest Account User Name
Guest Account Password