National Debate Coaches Association National Championships
2024 — Bloomington, US
Hotel information
Biddle Hotel at Indiana University’s Memorial Union
Group Code is NDCA24
Singles are $139.00
Doubles are $169.00
Link for reservations:*1fdh0ov*_ga*ODIzNDExNjcxLjE3MDU1MjU4MjE.*_ga_61CH0D2DQW*MTcwNTY5NDU5OC41LjEuMTcwNTY5NDY0NC4xNC4wLjA.
You need to change the tab from “promotion code” to “group code” for the block rate.
If you are trying to book more than one room you have to select the room type/rate you want for each room. If the right hand side of the booking screen still says "search" it means you have to select another room rate.
You can also call (812) 856-6381