Golden Desert NIETOC Qualifier

2023 — Las Vegas, NV/US

Extemp Topic Areas

US Extemp:

Round 1:  US Business & Industry

Round 2: US Economics

Round 3: US Energy & Environment

Quarterfinals (necessary as of Monday, 11/13, with 75 entries. Will be necessary if there are more than 71 at the start of the tournament): US Legal Issues & Supreme Court

Semifinals (definitely necessary): US Politics

Finals: US Social Issues


International Extemp:

Round 1:  Africa

Round 2: Americas & Caribbean

Round 3: China

Quarterfinals (possibly necessary as of Monday, 11/13, with 62 entries. Will be necessary if there are 71 or more at the start of the tournament): Eastern Europe & the Caucasus

Semifinals (almost definitely necessary, as we are unlikely to fall to 50 entries): South & Central Asia and Oceania

Finals: Western Europe & the EU