Washington Warrior Invite
2023 — Sioux Falls, SD/US
Congress Docket
NOV/DEC South Dakota Docket
1. A Resolution to require students to participate in an extracurricular
2. A Resolution for High Schools to Offer American Sign Language (ASL)
3. A Bill to Allow People Convicted of a Felony to Vote
4. A Bill to Mandate Courses on De-Escalation Tactics for Police Officers
5. A Bill to Expand SNAP Benefits in South Dakota
6. A Bill to Enhance Drug Education and Awareness to High School Students
7. A Resolution to Consider Corporal Punishment on Children Child Abuse
8. The Nonprofit Act of 2023
9. A Resolution to Improve Mental Health Education in Schools
10. A Bill to Legalize Recreational Marijuana
Here is the complete Congress docket: file:///C:/Users/AM406/Downloads/Nov_Dec%20South%20Dakota%20Docket%20(2).pdf