GGSA Debate 1 LD PF Policy
2023 — Oakland, CA/US
Schedule with Locations & Campus Map
Judges/Coaches/Adult Volunteer: Meet at 9 a.m. in the Judge Lounge, the US Read Library.
Debaters: You can meet up and hang out in the following students areas: US or MS Patio, inside or outside of the MEW Auditorium. Please do not use the Cafe as there is another event--Grateful Gathering--happening there. And please pick up after yourself. Thank you!
Click HERE for a campus room map.
Important notes: We will only use the MS, HS, and WL rooms. Apologies for Head-Royce's confusing room notations: Some of our 500 rooms are located on the top floors of two buildings: the Pavilion/Gym and the Cafe one. Our 400 hundred rooms are located on the bottom floors of those aforementioned buildings as well as on the top WL floor.
Tentative Schedule
9:45 - 11:45 AM Rd. 1
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM Lunch (MS & US Patios & Tables Outside the MEW Auditorium)
12:30 - 2:30 PM Rd. 2
2:45 - 4:45 PM Rd. 3
5:00 PM Awards (MEW Auditorium)