Heart of Texas Invitational

2023 — Dallas, TX/US

NCX - Rules and Schedule

NCX Rules and Schedule

Any 9th grader (or younger) or student in their first full year of policy debate may enter. 3 tournaments or less in a year is not considered a "full year". This is a limited argument tournament (packet)

NCX and NLD – these are online events and the NCX division will use a packet (see argument restrictions below)

Saturday Oct. 14, 2023 All times CDT

Pairings no later than 30 minutes before each debate.

Round 1 10 am

Round 2 1 pm

Round 3 4 pm

Sunday Oct. 15, 2023 All times CDT

Yes, this is a late start. We want the schedule to be consistent with VCX and VLD but we don’t want our west coast participants to have to start at 6 am

Pairings no later than 30 minutes before each debate.

Round 4 11:30 am

Elim 1 2:30 pm

Elim 2 5:30 pm

We will stop after 2 elims. Entries winning 2 elims will be declared co-champions and receive appropriate awards.

Novice CX will use a limited version of the NDCA packet. The limitations are the same as the Georgia circuit uses (GFCA packet).

Students can use either the NDCA packet or the GFCA packet version of the arguments listed below. Only evidence from the packet may be used.

These are the allowed arguments:

Universal Basic Income Affirmative

Universal Basic Income Negative (this does NOT include the counterplans in the NDCA version of the file)

Green New Deal Affirmative

Green New Deal Negative (this does NOT include the counterplans in the NDCA version of the file)


Economy DA

UBI Minus DA vs. UBI Affirmative

Nuclear Power DA vs. Green New Deal Affirmative

Taxes PIC