Jordan Warrior Classic

2023 — Fulshear, TX/US

Debate Topics

CX will use the NSDA 2023-24 topic: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income.

LD will use the NSDA Sept/Oct 2023 topic: Resolved: The United States ought to guarantee the right to housing.

PF will use the NSDA Sept/Oct 2023 topic: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its military presence in the Arctic.


Congress will follow the TFA Scaffold for Fall 2023 and use the following items of legislation:

Prelims: 1-5

Finals: 6-10


WSD will follow the below schedule of topics --

R1 and R2: This House opposes lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary.

**Students will debate both sides of the R1 and R2 topic.

R3: impromptu

Semifinals: This House supports the increased use of nuclear power to combat climate change.

Finals: impromptu