The Clear Falls Knight Invitational TFA IQT NIETOC Qualifying T

2023 — League City, TX/US

Debate, Extemp, and Impromptu Topics

For the 2023 Knight Invitational, we will be using the following topics for the following events:

Public Forum Debate (Varsity and Novice): September/October 2023 Topic -Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its military presence in the Arctic.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Varsity and Novice): September/October 2023 Topic -Resolved: The United States ought to guarantee the right to housing.

Policy Debate: 2022-2023 Topic -Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income.

Congressional Debate: From the Fall 2023 TFA Docket – We will use the Region 4 Congress Scaffold as follows: Prelims 11-15, Semis 21-25 (if needed), Finals 16-20

World Schools Debate: The following prepared motions will be used from the TFA August-November WSD Motions list. Rd. 1: This House opposes the use of public funds for school vouchers. Rd. 2: This House opposes lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary. Rd. 3:Impromptu Motion. Semifinals: This House would ban targeted political advertising. Finals: Impromptu Motion.

Extemp Speaking:

DX Prelims –States East of the Mississippi, DX Semis/Rd. 2 –States West of the Mississippi, DX Finals –American Elections/Politics.

IX Prelims –Asia, IX Semis/Rd. 2 –Europe and Russia, IX Finals –Global Threats to Democracy.

NX Prelims –U.S. News, NX Semis/Rd. 2 –International News, DX Finals –Economics.

Impromptu Speaking:

Rd. 1 - Serious Quotations

Rd. 2/Semifinals - Humorous Quotations

Finals - Pictures