The Clear Falls Knight Invitational TFA IQT NIETOC Qualifying T
2023 — League City, TX/US
Clear Falls High School
4380 Village Way
League City, TX 77573
You are cordially invited to the 9th annual
Clear Falls Knight TFA IQT & NIETOC Qualifying Invitational Tournament
Hosted by the Clear Falls Knights Debate, Speech, and Interpretation Team
September 15th and 16th, 2023
On behalf of Clear Falls High School and the NSDA chapter of Clear Falls High School, we would like to invite you to participate in our 9th Clear Falls Knight TFA IQT & NIETOC Qualifying Invitational Tournament.
We will be hosting open divisions of all TFA IQT events (save for Duet), Impromptu, Prose, and Poetry. We will also have novice divisions of Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, and Congressional Debate, as well as Declamation (open only to novices). Because our tournament is early in the season, Clear Falls students may be entered in the tournament and as per the TFA pilot Home School Initiative will be eligible for advancement to Final rounds, awards, and IQT points. Rounds with Clear Falls entries will be judged by hired and/or non-Clear Falls school judges to ensure fairness in judging.
Please check out the rest of our invitation to see our newly-reduced entry fees, revised judging requirements, and more.
Champions in each Varsity event will receive our signature Knight champion trophies and our Coach’s Award will recognize the top team sweepstakes winning coach. And we’ll be continuing our tradition with the Castle Traveling Team Trophy to recognize the top team sweepstakes placing school. The 2022 winning school – Jersey Village High School – will be recognized with a permanent replacement for their trophy case.
Thank you and we hope you'll join us.
Mr. Tomas Cosenza
Head Coach - Clear Falls Knights Debate, Speech, and Interpretation Team